Final post

I have learned so many techniques, facts, and information from ESEPSY 1159. I decided to take advantage of this course because I know if I can master the information you provided I would be successful in all my classes. The assignments we have were very useful and creative. I like these assignments I will take them and use them for my future classes. The top three assignments I was most interested were the google spreadsheet, learning how to google search, and writing these blogs. I like google spread sheet because it gave me a schedule that I use to be successful. I have time managemnt problems so making that spreadsheet made me stay on track and on top of my study time. When I made the spreadsheet everything slowed down for me and got easier. Now that I have this spreadsheet I will have time to get everything I need to be in that day completed. The google search was a very great assignment for me cause it taught a lot  of specific search machines. These machines helped because when you search something it shows you the specific link that you need. Usually on google you search something a million links pop but with the other google search machines it limits it to a couple links. The other thing I like about those search machines was that it showed if a website trustworthy or not. I would tell you if the information on the website was valuable or it was not. Now that I know these machines I will use them to help me with my assignments. The blog were a great exercise that I enjoyed while my time during this course. It gave me chance to voice my opinion to my classmates and other people on the outside looking in. It gave me chance to review everything I learned throughout the week. I also feel like it gives incoming freshman a chance to see what college classes are like and what you need to do before you get to college  so you can be prepared. This class taught me very useful techniques that will help me throughout the school you. Some techniques this class has taught me is how to study effectively and time management. This class taught me how to study which I really enjoyed considering I did not know how to prior to this class. It showed me to be energetic and some tools on how to study. One tool on how to study is to study with a pencil in your hand. I made sure I had a pencil so I can underline key points. I also learned how to just look over the key points for 15 minutes everyday so I can try to memorize it. Time management was one of my biggest struggles coming in to this class. This class showed me how to management my time by making a schedule on what  I had to do everyday. I started doing everything the my schedule said and it made everything much easier. In conclusion I am happy I had a chance to be apart of this great class. I would recommend this class to everybody.

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