Xichi’s Module 2 blog

The most useful things I learned in module 2 are to get my hands on blogs and Google Tools. To be frank, in first year student survey class I have done similar things like tracking my time by recording my activity on a spreadsheet. It words very well in few weeks after the activity. I can read exactly what I am doing hour by hour, and I know where my time goes. However, I do realize that my schedule is not too regular as a student. For example, in my college life, I do not have a morning class, so I would like to stay up late and get up late like 10:A.M. in the morning, I understand that it is not a good habit but it seems hard to make changes. Also, I find there are time breaks between classes, and I usually just play on my mobile phone and not doing any study. It usually takes an hour and so, I should definitely make use of these times and preview the next class. Based on what I’ve experienced in the past and I read in the time management section, I would say that time management is so important for a college student. If a college student can keep a regular work and rest schedule, and not wasting time on meaningless things during breaks, it is half of success in college. I think college course load is never too much and abundant for any student, it is the time management that talks.

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