Xichi’s Module 5 blog

This module focuses on note-taking and active listening, and seeking out online resources strategies. After finishing module 5, I find the most useful thing I learned is the importance of taking notes and note-taking strategies. To be specific, college courses require student to take a large amount of information in a short lecture, so taking notes is crucial in learning the course materials. First of all, typing or not typing is a critical choice in college course. Some students bring their laptop or iPad to take notes, some students take notes on notebooks. Personally, I think the tradition approach that taking notes on a notebook stands out. Since the laptop brings too much distraction as I see many students check their Facebook, Instagram, or viewing things that not related to the course material. Also, writing down the notes allows more deep processing. As you read your notes on the notebook, you can easily recall the course material with the train of your thought. I would say that note taking process is something that I could put into practice in the future. Note taking is not only copying things from the PDF in the lecture, but also your summary and thinking of the lecture. The Cornell method of note taking is definitely something that I should try out in the future.



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