
Maintaining Motivation Blog Post

The most valuable information is those apps that help me manage my time. With the help of SelfControl,  YouTube and other social media websites are a no more extended distraction for me. Which significantly improved my time efficiency. This kind of app is useful for my future. Time efficiency is essential, no matter which period of my life.

As for ideas that I would like to put into practice, making a playlist for study seems to be a good idea. I love classical music. In the future, I can gather some of the finest and relaxing music together and form a music list. By doing so, homework, group project, or papering for presentation may seem less tedious, which might be helpful to improve my productivity.

An advice that I would like to give students–this module is the top three useful. This module is the last one, and good things tend to come at last. It contains much more valuable information that will eventually help you in the future. Even if we skip all those boring tips and bits of advice, those apps got mentioned in the module are helpful for you.

Anyway, this class taught me much valuable information during this half-semester. It has been a pleasant experience for me.


Searching and Researching Blog Post

The most useful information I learn from this module is the fact that Wikipedia is not a reliable source. Previously, I found lots of information using Wikipedia and I really consider it as a useful method for me to gain new information. When i was make a bet with my friend, the first place I will go for answer is Wikipedia. After learning this module, I will never use Wikipedia again for any study related paper. When I was in high school, I wrote a journal about Hunger Game and I used information I searched from Wikipedia. I never figure why that paper’s score was so low until I finished this module. Another important thing I learn in this module is Google scholar. I never used Google scholar before, however, after I used it for this time, I was amazed about how helpful it is when it comes to writing a research paper. The function that show how many times each articles were cited can really help me make my decision about which article I will use. As for future, Google scholar will be my number 1 priority when it comes to writing a research paper. Meanwhile, I will try to find other useful website that will also help me improve my overall paper quality

Resource Guidebook

Module 1

The online Approach

This video tells about what kinds of personality will get most benefits from online class.


Module 2


This video is presented by the famous website Linkedin, it tells interest information about communication using social media.

Module 3

Time efficiency

This video talks about time efficiency and how to manage time properly

Module 4

English reading skills

Reading is important for everyone. This video taught me how to improve my english reading skills.

Module 5


Listening is probably the most important skills that we need in our lived. This video is here to help you improve listening skill in your life.

Module 6

Structure of a research paper

This video helps people to familiar with the structure of a research paper. The most useful thing I learn from this video, is it tells you each steps, it will benefit you in the future.


Web-Enhanced Listening and Viewing Strategies Blog Post

In this module, I learned a tremendous amount of information that is helpful. The majority part of this module talks a lot about notes taking. Students will always take notes during their learning time. However, this module intends to improve the quality of the notes we receive. The several slides are about listening, and others are about taking notes.

after I finish this module of learning, the most useful thing I think is “active listening.” “active listening” is a strategy presented in the module. From the PowerPoint, “Taking good notes begins with active listening.” How you respond to the information you heard during a lecture or an information section is influential.

I have already begun to use some methods from this week’s module in practice. I started to pay more attention to finding the main idea of a lecture. For instance, in my finance class, I would consider the newest concept as the main idea.

I think the five different note-taking methods are useful, so As for the future, I would like to spend some time practice these five strategies. Those methods can help me improve my note quality, and it will be helpful in my future study.

As for my personal experience, I think to pay more attention during the active listening part, and those five note-taking methods are enough. These two parts of the slides are the most valuable information in this module.

Web-Enhanced Reading and Study Strategies Blog Post

I consider myself as a funny person, which means that my attitude towards certain things is more positive. After learning this week’s lessons, I learn much from this SQ3R methods. I figured that if I combine this method alone with my positive attitude towards questions and textbooks, it can make these questions more exciting and attractive. In this way, if I create those questions interesting enough, every time I review them, I can have a positive feeling about them and which can help me promote my learning experience.

For a specific example, I have to mention the finance exam I just finished. I used this method during the review period, and the result is surprisingly good. I got a 32 out of 36, which shifted my grade upward an entire level.

I would like to put this method in the future. I think this method not only can be used in study course materials but also will be helpful for future jobs related areas. For instance, if I was assigned to come with an idea for a new event, and I was asked to read different kinds of materials. This method is helpful.
As for advice for the student, I would recommend this SQ3R method. I think that interest is the best teacher and motivation, no matter what. With a better approach and motivation, I think the student will succeed.


Efficiency in the Digital Age Blog Post

The most useful thing I learned is this module is the skill that divides the task into different small sections. After i watch the lecture PowerPoint, I tried it with my finance course, and it works perfectly. This skill allows me to enjoy a sense of achievement after I finish each small task, which brings me more motivation. In the past time, this finance course real bored me because of the course load and because it is pretty dull, to be honest.

As for the future, I would like to work more to reduce the digital attraction. Technology is developing at a speed that we can witness with our eyes. I am confident that in the future, they will be more and more different kinds of digital attraction. If i am not able to handle the current digital attraction, how will I be able to deal with them in the future?

Think about advice for the students, and i would like to claim the importance of time efficiency. Time is the most precious thing that we process throughout our entire lives. So the key point of gaining success is managing our times wisely. Like i said in the discussion, I did terrible in this area. The good thing is that I have found my problem and will address it. I hope other students can do the same.

Communicating and Collaborating Blog Post

I think the most useful thing I learned from this module is that communication between professors is very important.

According to my previous experience, I had a car accident before the exam last semester, which caused me not have enough time to review and my mental state was not good enough to take the exam. However, the email I sent to the professor was very clear, and I didn’t communicate with my ad to ask for help in time. Eventually led to re-establishment of hanging section.

This is also the idea I will practice in the future. Fortunately, communication can solve many problems. With better communication, you can ask for help when you encounter difficulties. And also have good communication with class mates will also be good thing. For example, if you miss some important information of class you can ask for help from your classmates.

My advice to others is, when we encounter a problem, don’t panic, think about the best solution, and try to see if the problem can be solved through communication. Then the most important thing is do the work carefully and when meet the problem not to be worried try to think it and find the best way to do.

communication module 2

What impressed me this week was the definition of “netiquette”. Nowadays, the Internet is very developed all over the world. While it makes people’s spiritual world and amateur life more abundant, it has actually caused some problems. Therefore, for the proposition I choose today, etiquette on the Internet, I want to discuss this issue in the opposite direction, which is one of the hottest topics today, cyber violence.

Cyber violence is different from the physical and physical violence in real life. Instead, it uses the virtual space of the internet to hurt and slander people with words and words.Last year, “Hated in the Nation”, the final episode of the third season of “Black Mirror”, considered a modern dark prophecy, impressed me a lot.
In that story, a female writer wrote an article saying that people who died in protest of cuts in welfare were not commendable and were blamed as trash. Because a woman did not take a solemn picture in front of the monument, but did some unsightly movements, it caused a lot of anger. Just an article, a photo, they were convicted, and they became the rat that everyone shouted on the Internet, the most angry enemy.

Today’s online world is full of malice and anger. Those who comment behind the screen often think that they are standing on the moral high ground overlooking the entire world, evaluating others’ behavior with their own ethical standards, and doing unethical things in the name of morality.

If online etiquette becomes a trend, everyone can pay attention to rhetoric and politeness instead of wanton acts when making comments on the Internet, and believe that the online world will become more harmonious.