
Final Blog Post

Whew, this semester flew by! I’ve learned a lot from this course. It is hard to narrow in on just one subject, because this course has taught me from studying strategies, technology and proper punctuation, as well as note taking strategies.

First, a piece of information that I learned from this course has to deal with studying strategies. I really focused in on this topic, because learning to study effectively helps with success in my school career.  I have learned more about the type of person I’m, and which studying tools I can utilize In order to help me study more effectively. For example, I concluded that I’m a visual learner. Visual learner is someone who learns from pictures, diagrams, flow charts etc. With this information, I know online tools like mind map, power point slides, brainstorming activities, you tube tutorials are all study aids in my best interest. Moreover, I have learned that I’m the type of person that do not think conceptually, which further implies that I am a sensing learner, rather than an intuitive learner. Although, I like to solve out complex problems, I’d rather have the known methods to help me get an idea of where to start.

Technology and proper punctuation is important in your professional career. Technology has expanded and more information is introduced electronically. Knowing how to communicate properly via electronics and professionally is important. I’ve learned from this class to not respond in capital letters, as this implies that you are replying in an obnoxious manner. Moreover, do not over use punctuation marks, such as “!?!?!” as this can relate to ‘cyber language’.   Furthermore, when emailing always address the individual, use proper punctuations, and conclude appropriately. For example, I always address my professors by their name. I do not over punctuate or use any type of cyber short hand.  In addition, I conclude by thanking them for their time and sign, myself. In regards to expansion of technology, there are alternative ways that courses are now taught. For example, most classes are now taught electronically, and more books are available in electronic format. This is another reason why learning how to properly use punctuation marks and communicate, professionally, is important. We’ve discussed the pros and cons of electronic books. Now, most of my books are kept on my tablet. I think this is more convenient and alleviates a lot of shoulder tension. It is also a much cheaper route!

Note taking strategies that I’ve learned about, and now try to incorporate into my studying flow is Keyword set up. This is separated into 3 columns and each column is headed, keyword, supporting material, and further detail. This technique is great to use for taking notes as it does not require me to write as much and allows me to take down quick thoughts, and expand on those thoughts. Moreover, I have learned that the more information you are writing down when taking notes, the less information you actually comprehend. Before In lecture, I would record the professor and take notes as I record.  Now, as I record, I take brief notes, but listen more, rather than write down full sentences. Note taking as well as studying strategies were the most meaningful and useful in this course, as it helps with my school career.


Searching and researching

One of the most important things in college is writing papers. In almost all courses you take, here at OSU, you have to know how to properly write a paper, cite sources. When citing sources, its best to plan out your research project, and know what to include and what to not include.

Planning out your research project is important so that you know were you are headed next.  Knowing which keywords to use is important. Brainstorm which keywords to use for a certain subject. Moreover, think of synonyms related to those keywords.  Also proper use of AND, OR, NOT will enhance the search.

AND: focuses on specific phrases OR: broadens the search NOT: focuses on what not to search. Another important tip, is in regards to citing sources. What to include? Whats not a proper source. first, wikipedia is not a proper source because it can be edited by many people and its based on opinions. Examine the websites mission statement, or about us category to see how much knowledge and history the person has on the topic.

Always remember to cite, even if you use one sentence from the source. Not properly citing a source is referred to as, plagiarism.

Educational video

Educational Video

This  video is a recording of Dr David Van Vraken from University of California. One of the top classes that students with science majors struggle on is, Organic Chemistry. This video is very helpful to students because its a recording as if you are actually in the class room learning the material. You can take your own notes. Moreover, the professor goes also goes over problems with you, to help you understand better.  These problems are actually worked out by the professor, step by step. Additionally, this professor has multiple videos up on organic chemistry. This is great, because its a sequence of videos, so that you are not learning out of order and missing an essential piece of information.

The video is set up, similar to a podcast. This is a neat way to tranform the classroom into a more effective way of learning. This video stimulates learning in various ways, the most obvious, in that it allows you to use your senses, hearing-seeing, which is essential in note taking and understanding. Furthermore, it allows you to get a deeper understanding of the subject. You can repeatedly go over the video, allowing you to focus thoroughly. If you do not understanding something, pause, analyze, and resume. In additon, it allows success in online and in class learning.

Note taking strategies

Taking notes is essential to being successful in college. Everyone has their own way in writing notes to help them understand, because everyone learns differently. However,  knowing how to take notes during class, effectively, could help in studying later And better understanding of a subject.  A big note taking tip that everyone should follow: focus on the lecture, rather taking notes. The more you are focusing on taking notes, the less information you are actually retaining from lecture. It may be easier to write down keywords and then later when re writing notes, go back to connect thoughts together. Three different note taking strategies are: Cornell system, keywords, and mind map. If you are a visual learner, mind map is the best note taking format to follow. Mind map note taking is essentially, brainstorming ideas, graphically.  Mind map: connecting notes through pictures. Im a visual learner and understand better when I see something or if I am able to do something hands on. Another note taking strategy that I would recommend is, Keyword. Keyword note taking is separated into 3 columns. These 3 columns are headed : Keywords, supporting material, and further detail. This note taking strategy Is effective in that it allows you to focus more on the lecturer, and write down minimal. Although, you are writing down less, you are including the most important information and connecting it together in the 3 columns. Less is more.

Remember, knowing how to take notes, effectively, will help you understand the material a lot better, as well as succeed in college!

Online Reading and Studying Strategies

College is very different than high school. With college it is very easy to slip up and make mistakes all because we are not utilizing the right study techniques. In high school, information is given to you, in college, as adults it is our responsbibility to go find the information needed. Everyone has different studying techniques that are developed throughout their college experience, that work for them. Some students do not know where to start and how to study for tests. We are given so many resources online that are there for our benefit. Websites like study stack, Purdue OWL, and memorize are all used to improve our learning, studying, and writing techniques.

There are also e-book’s available for students to use instead of carrying out big books. There are pros and cons to electronic books, with more pros. One major pro, is that its all online. Most students have Tablets, iPads, labtops that have all their information on it. So what is better than not carrying around a big book around campus? having that same big book in electronic format and being able to read it at anytime, with less stress on your shoulders. Also, electronic books are usually  much cheaper than a hardback book. However, a con to electronic books is that you may get tired of reading from your tablet, labtop all day.


Breanna’s Blog

Technology has become very important when it comes to communicating information via internet. Email, blogs, instant messaging, podcasts are just some of the options to communicate to a certain audience. When using some of these options to communicate via internet it is important to follow, internet etiquette or netiquette. Netquette is common rules to follow when communicating via internet, like sending emails or writing blog posts. its important to use proper netquette. Some tips are as follows:

Never write in all caps. Writing in all caps will make it seem as if you are replying in an obnoxious way and shouting. Try to use proper punctuation marks, especially if writing someone professional. You do not want to communicate professionally to someone in the same way you would on social sites, like twitter or Facebook. For example, avoid punctuation like, “!?!?!?” not only is that sending a mixed message of being excited and possibly confused, but it also just looks weird and un professional. Moreover, avoid lingo/slang and “cyber shorthand” If emailing someone avoid typing u for you, 2 for to.

Some other general tips of netiquette are not forwarding pesty chain letters, be brief and clear, do not send spam. Always remember you are not anonymous, so do not write something or do something that you would not want the public to see. As always, obey copyright laws.

Until next time,
