Chair, USNC/URSI B |
2015-2017 |
External examiner for Italian-wide faculty selection cmt |
2013-2014 |
Chair of review cmt for Technical University of Crete review |
2012 |
Vice Chair, URSI Commission B |
2012-2015 |
IEEE-wide committee for Fellows evaluation |
2010-2014 |
Chair, IEEE Antennas and Propagat. Society Fellows Evaluation Cmt. |
2005-2009 |
Convener to URSI General Assembly |
2005, 2008 |
Advisory Cmt and co-organizer of International Workshop on Antennas and Wireless Applications |
2005-2015 |
Track Chair for IEEE Vehicular Techn. Society Conference |
2004-2005 |
Technical Committee Chair for URSI (Int. Union of Radio Science) |
2004-2011 |
Technical Advisory member to International URSI |
2002- |
President and VP of IEEE Antennas and Propagation Society |
2003-2005 |
Co-Chair, IEEE Antennas and Propagation Society Conference (1700 attendees) |
2003 |
Chair and co-Organizer, Finite Elements Workshop |
2002 |
IEEE Fellows Committee |
1998-2004 |
IEEE Antennas and Propagation Administrative Committee |
1996-1998 |
Co- organizer of the 2000 Diffraction Days meeting |
2000 |
JINA (France), Scientific Committee |
2001-2005 |
Co-organizer of the International Finite Element Workshop |
1994, 1998, 2000, 2002 |
Technical Committee, COMPUMAG (Computational EM) Conference |
1994, 1995, 1998, 2000, 2001 |
Technical Committee, Advanced Computational Electromagnetics Conference |
1995, 1996 |
General Chairman, IEEE Antennas and Propagation International Symposium and Radio Science Meeting (with over 1000 attendees) |
1993 |
Technical Committee, IEEE Antennas and Propagation Symposium |
1988-Present |
gdg |
Editorial Services: |
• Associate Editor, URSI Bulletin |
2002-2010 |
• Associate for J. Electromagnetics Waves and Applications |
1995-2008 |
• Associate Editor, IEEE Antennas and Propagation Magazine |
1992-2007 |
• Associate Editor, Radio Science |
1994-1997 |
• Associate Editor, IEEE Antennas and Propagation Transactions |
1989-1993 |
• Guest Editor for Special Electromagnetics issue |
1993, 1998 |
• Guest Editor for Special Radio Sci. Issue |
1996 |
fdsf |
Departmental Committees: |
Executive Committee |
2003-Present |
Awards Committee |
2010-Present |
Personnel Committee |
2006-2009 |
Promotion and Tenure Cmts |
2004-2008 |
EECS Dept., Financial Aid Chair |
• Responsible for the $800,000 Fellowship budget of the EECS Dept. |
2001-2002 |
EECS Dept. Executive Committee |
1997-1999 |
Director, Radiation Laboratory |
1998-2000 |
EECS Dept. EE Division Graduate Committee |
1990-2002 |
EECS Dept. Graduate Advisor |
1994-1997 |
EECS Dept. Computing Organization Faculty Committee |
1993-1997 |
dfsd |
CoE Committees: |
Chair, Ohio State College of Engineering Awards Committee |
2015 |
Dean’s Research Council |
2012-Present |
Awards Committee Member |
2012-Present |
College Centers Budget Guidance Cmt. |
2012 |
College Ranking Review |
2012 |
College of Enginering, Finance Cmt (OSU) |
2005-2006 |
CoE College strategic planning cmt |
2005 |
ECE Dept Chair Search Committee |
2004-2005 |
EECS Dept. Review Committee |
96/97 |
dfd |
U of M Committees: |
University Tenure Committee, Chair |
2000-2001 |
SACUA Tenure Committee |
1999-2002 |
Senate Assembly |
1994-1997 |
Research Policies Committee |
1994-1997 |