Downy Mildew

What Is It? | Facts in Depth | For the Professional Diagnostician

F. Baysal-Gurel, A. Chin, & S. A. Miller

Downy mildew is one of the most significant diseases of hops. The pathogen survives in infected buds and crowns. Oospores (sexual spores) may be important in the survival of the pathogen. Downy mildew causes more damage during wet conditions and moderate temperatures (60-68°F) than in dry, hot conditions. Since leaf wetness duration is critical for leaf and shoot infection, it is important to monitor this in order to prevent infection.  Other management practices include starting with certified disease-free plants and using sound sanitation practices throughout the season.  There are also several options of chemical management that have proven effective in controlling downy mildew in hops.

Scientific Name

  • Pseudoperonospora humuli

Host Crops

  • Hops
  • Hemp

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