What Is It?

What Is It? | Facts in Depth | For the Professional Diagnostician

Brassica Diseases | Clubroot



  • Above ground symptoms are wilting and chlorosis
  • Stunting occurs in new growth and the plant eventually dies
  • Roots are swollen, distorted, and malformed
  • Galls are on the root systems

Turnip – Club Root 2_50Quality RadishClubroot_50Quality
(Left: Radish; Middle: Turnip; Right: Radish)

Favorable Environmental Conditions

  • Resting spores germinate under high soil moisture and cool soil temperatures between 64oF and 77oF
  • Acidic soils are favorable for this pathogen

Often Confused With

  • Root knot nematode

Scouting Notes

  • Look for any signs of wilting in cool temperatures and wet soil conditions. Dig up suspect plants and inspect roots for galls and other malformations.  Pulling plants may result in many of the galls remaining in the soil.