Steven Vaughn’s Blog-Module 4

I would have to say that I agree with the entirety of the information given about web-enhanced reading and study strategies in this module. However, although technology has continued to enhance very rapidly, it still seems to me that the majority of students don’t take full advantage of all resources available to them to fully grasp the meaning behind online lessons as well as using online tools for studying. When it comes to reading online, I personally copy, past and highlight all important information into a Microsoft Word document. Doing this allows me to easily summarize the info that I am reading about, as well as giving me the chance to go back and review the information whenever I please. Along with this, I was not aware that flashcards could be made on a Google doc. This study strategy is most definitely something I can see myself beginning to utilize to aid in my studies. Google doc flashcards are a great example of how technology has progressed, leaving students with a better tool for studying. All it takes is for students to spend a little time searching the web for online-based study strategies to help themselves to begin to use them. I can honestly say that after working my way through this lesson, I will undoubtedly begin utilizing more online tools when studying.

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