Module 7-Final Blog Post

Taking ESEPSY 1159 – Online Learning Strategies during this 2014 Summer class session has taught me a countless amount of things regarding topics such as researching online, citing information, and online tools useful for all sorts of academic-related things. As my blog has been directed towards helping students through their first year of college, I was also enhancing my own skills at the same time that I was looking to help guide students through their academics.

As the majority of the course content was directed towards publishing posts on a blog in which each student was expected to create, it gave us students the perfect opportunity to apply what we have learned during the course to help enhance the knowledge of our chosen blog audience. By taking ESEPSY 1159 – Online Learning Strategies, I have learned a lot of information about technology, online tools and resources. I also learned that properly navigating and searching the web and communicating with those you are working with along with those who are going to be your audience are very important skills to know and maintain. Knowing how to properly navigate the web is very crucial, as it will allow you to find the best resources for whatever it may be that you are researching. Along with this, taking Online Learning Strategies has helped me find that I am truly a much better learner when I am able to use visual aids as a learning style. However, the most important lesson I was given was that I can be quite the procrastinator at times. This course helped me to fix this with the lesson on Google Calender. Inputting both my work schedule and classwork into a calender helped advise me to be a much more efficient time manager. I believe that I took this course at a very good point in my college academic career. As I will be entering my senior year at Ohio State, I will be able to apply the tools and strategies that I have become knowledgeable about during this course to finish out my time at Ohio State as best as I can. Not only does this course serve as a great guide to properly using the internet as a resource for studying purposes and more, but it also teaches students how to be an efficient time manager and how to avoid the distractions that most students unfortunately experience while studying.

“Information technology has already had a significant impact on higher education, and will continue to
reshape the educational landscape in years to come.” I believe this quote is perfect to describe the structure of this course. This course is the best preparation you can get to keep up with the advances that technology continues to make alongside education. What you sit down and allow yourself to learn today will only leave room for more success in the future. I highly recommend that this class be taken by all students at all colleges and universities in the country,because the knowledge that I have personally gained from this course will truly aid my future success as I continue to apply the tools and resources to my everyday life.

Thank You!

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