Summary of Abstracts

These pieces signify my commitment to having a unique experience at Ohio State. I want to give back to those who do not have the same opportunities as I do and strive to do better than those before me. I want to honor my fallen friends by surpassing the glass ceilings we all face. By being involved in the Biological Science Scholars program I have been given a community that fosters my strengths and encourages me to acknowledge and work on my weaknesses.

About Me


My name is Maggie Tullis and I am a freshman at OSU. I’m majoring in Neuroscience on a pre-med track and hope to eventually become a surgeon. I was born in a small town outside of Cincinnati, Ohio. I was raised to value honesty, hard work, and respect. These three qualities are the defining traits of my personality. My favorite things to do are kayaking, finding new places to hang my hammock, and read.

I have chosen to study Neuroscience because when I was 16 one of my friends passed away from a malignant brain tumor. Watching her battle inspired me to strive to change the outcome of cancer. One of my main goals in these upcoming years is to assist research that is being done at this university combating brain cancer in her honor.

In high school I founded an organization called WEM, the Women’s Empowerment Movement, where I organized a hygiene drive to collect items for what I called a “Go-Bag”. These bags contained essential products such as shampoo, conditioner, toothbrush, toothpaste, and feminine hygiene products. These then were distributed to the women’s shelter for the women who ran from their abusers. The intent of the Go-Bags was to provide the women with high quality items that they would have left behind in their escape. I hope to create an organization on campus that would continue this project to better our community through charity.