College of Nursing Instructional Redesign Cohort (Autumn 2020)
If you have completed the Drake Institute’s Teaching Practices Inventory and the Readings and Reflections Exercise (formerly Components 1 and 2 of the Drake’s Teaching Support Program), you are ready to complete Component 3, the Instructional Redesign Program. The College…
Increase Student Engagement in Synchronous Zoom Lectures
Long lectures in Zoom may lead to student fatigue and disengagement with course content. Read the latest recommendations for making your synchronous (Zoom) classes more engaging. This short Faculty Focus blog article describes approaches related to camera/video use and creation…
QSEN Teaching Strategy Repository
Are you looking for creative approaches to delivering course content and assessing student learning outcomes? Browse the QSEN Teaching Strategy repository to find peer-reviewed instructional ideas. The teaching strategies described in the repository can be tailored to fit traditional and…
Virtual Teaching Strategies that Reflect Quality Instruction
Are you ready to learn more about virtual teaching strategies that keep your students engaged and support their academic success? OSU’s Office of Distance Education and eLearning has compiled an easy-to-read list of evidence-based teaching strategies that support student success…
Teaching Strategy Descriptions as a Path to Publication
We have many excellent examples of teaching innovation in the College of Nursing, but we don’t always take time to share our teaching strategies with each other and the broader academic community. At the January TIES Writing Gathering, we conducted…
Evaluating the Effects of Interactive Classroom Strategies
College of Nursing faculty have implemented some very innovative classroom strategies in face-to-face and online courses to keep students engaged with each other and interacting with the instructor and the course content. We need to share those strategies with our…