How to Describe DEI Contributions in Your Teaching Practice
In this Nurse Educator podcast (12 minutes), Dr. Joanne Noone and Dr. Teri Murray describe the current state of academic review of faculty activities related to diversity, equity, and inclusion (DEI) and explain how faculty can describe their DEI contributions…
APRN Student Perspectives on Learning About Trauma-Informed Care
Trauma-Informed Care: Insights from a Q-Methodology Study of Advanced Practice Registered Nursing Students If you’ve ever wondered how your students are perceiving instruction related to trauma-informed care, you are not alone. While graduate nursing students recognize the value in learning…
Dealing with Challenging Situations in Teaching and Student Interactions: Video Simulations of Critical Incidents
Nurse educators are often challenged by unexpected but common student interactions in the didactic and clinical settings. Anticipating these challenges and preparing to respond to them in productive and healthy ways has the potential to support facilitation of student success…
Podcasting for Nurse Educators
Are you curious about how podcasting can help you communicate about the wonderful work you are doing in the classroom? In the presentation linked below, Tara O’Brien provides an introduction to podcasting for nurse educators and shares a new podcast…
Redesigned! The *Instructional Redesign Program* at the Drake Institute
The Drake Institute’s Instructional Redesign (IR) Program recognizes and rewards eligible Ohio State instructors with $1,150 for adopting evidence-based approaches to teaching and now includes all-new, accelerated IR program tracks in addition to an improved IR portfolio track option. Whether…
NETNEP 8th International Nurse Education Conference
Date and location: October 19-22, 2022 in Sitges (near Barcelona), Spain Deadline for proposals: April 29 Submit an abstract: NETNEP is a biannual conference organized by Elsevier, the publisher of Nurse Education Today (NET) and Nurse Education in Practice…
Summer 2021 Instructional Redesign Opportunity
As you plan your course for summer or fall 2021, consider opportunities to implement a small, focused instructional redesign project. Identify a single instructional challenge and address it with an evidence-based teaching strategy to improve your teaching experience and your…
New Conceptual Framework for Studying Assessment in Higher Education
Carol Evans and colleagues have published the Equity, Agency, Transparency (EAT) approach to enhancing assessment and feedback in higher education. The EAT framework, tools, and resources integrate several theoretical perspectives in learning and focus on assessment as something we do…
Change-Adept Approaches to Online Course Revision
Explore practical strategies for preparing, creating, and revising online courses by gathering and using feedback from students. Learn how to approach your course design with a flexible mindset that allows continuous, responsive improvement in instruction, and browse specific ideas you…