Carmen Updates for Autumn 2021
There are some new features and functions in Carmen that you’ll want to know about before the autumn 2021 semester begins. Please browse the headings in this article from OSU IT News to learn more. Important topics include: A start-of-term…
A Writing Checklist
Two nurse faculty recently published a “writing checklist” that they used in a DNP writing course to provide guidance around basic requirements for scholarly writing. Topics covered include Content, Paragraphs, Sentences, and Words, and example checklist items include “Can you…
Checklist for Quality in Online Courses (or any Carmen course)
OSU’s Office of Distance Education and eLearning (ODEE) has developed a set of quality assurance standards for online courses (which can also apply to hybrid or face-to-face courses that use Carmen). The standards are based on current literature in distance…