Lab Update (2/10/16)


Today, lab members used screening and scoring methods to see which designs were the best. Based on categories like durability, cost, or maintenance, Design Z gathered the most points during design analysis. Design Z is a wide-wing design with the largest propellers. Its wheels are on the opposite side of the hangers compared to the other designs, so that the AEV can be kept balanced on the flat track. The Arduino code worked well with the design, causing no problems in swinging or slow-speed.

Lab Update (2/3/16)


Today, the lab members tested new code to measure the distance the AEV travels along the track. The new code was goToAbsolutePosition() and goToReletivePosition(). Using external reflection sensors, the rotations of the AEV wheel could be measured with alternating reflective surfaces. After trying the new code on the AEV, the vehicle was put into the track and programmed to move across it. The lab members calculated to number of rotation required to move across the track’s length, which was approximately 395 marks.

Lab Update (1/27/16)


The lab members got accustomed to the code language within the Arduino software. The lab procedure set up various scenarios for the members to code. Afterwards, the members discussed with each other and the professor about the max output of the designed propellers. Maximum output should range about 25-30, based on the code format motorSpeed(motor,output). Then, the code was tested live on the AEV for observation.