Week 15: Plant Pathologypalooza

This week was the 2014 Annual American Phytopathological Society meeting.  It involved lots of posters, talks, meetings, and catching up with friends.  During the meeting, I gave a talk about my work in Tanzania and it went pretty well. If you’re interested, you can watch it here (it’s around the 1 hour mark): go.osu.edu/nYB  All in all, the meeting was productive and successful!

I head back to Tanzania tomorrow to complete the second half of my research project.

As always, pics from this week (Thanks to Monica Lewandowski for the pic from my talk and final night celebration)!

My mom made sure there were tomato diseases in the garden to make me feel at home.

My mom made sure there were tomato diseases in the garden to make me feel at home.

Bring em' on! Answering questions during my talk.

Bring em’ on! Answering questions during my talk.

A representative sample of my labmates and my family

A representative sample of my labmates and my family!

Last night celebration!

Miller Lab at the last night celebration!

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