Week 1
Date: 1/10/2019
Location: Ovalwood 458
Time: 1330-1450 (Face-to-face)
Members Present: All
Topics Discussed: Brainstorming ideas for AEV project.
Objective: Come up with a mode of transportation for AEV.
Tasks completed from last week:
Tasks to be completed for upcoming week:
-Learn what AEV is and how its supposed to function.
Team F decided to use a wheel operated AEV as a mode of propulsion instead of fan blades.
– Continue to read information on AEV projects.
Week 2
Date: 1/17/2019
Location: Ovalwood 458
Time: 1330-1450 (Face-to-face)
Members Present: All
Topics Discussed: Programming for AEV.
Objective: Pick the best mode to operate AEV.
Tasks completed from last week:
-Learn what AEV is and how its supposed to function.
Tasks to be completed for upcoming week:
-Study coding of AEV and apply it to the real application of its use.
Team F decided to use marks as the model for how to gauge distance instead of time.
– Continue studying code for AEV
Week 3
Date: 1/24/2019
Location: Ovalwood 458
Time: 1330-1450(Face-to-face)
Members Present: All
Topics Discussed: Design of AEV, how to construct AEV, testing reflectance sensors.
Objective: Complete PR&D 3 and 4.
Tasks completed from last week:
-Study coding of AEV and apply it to the real application of its use.
Tasks to be completed for upcoming week:
-Test reflectance sensors
-Build AEV model
-Test AEV model on the rail system
Team F decided to split building model between group members and Mike did coding.
– Redistribute weight of AEV
– Fix wheel problem of AEV
– Pick a new model to design AEV
Week 4
Date: 1/31/2019
Location: Ovalwood 458
Time: 1330-1450(Face-to-face)
Members Present: All
Topics Discussed: Design of AEV, how to construct AEV, testing reflectance sensors.
Objective: Complete part 3 and 4 of the lab.
Tasks completed from last week:
-Study coding of AEV and apply it to the real application of its use.
Tasks to be completed for upcoming week:
-Continue testing fan powered design
-Obtain power over time data with fan-powered AEV
Team F members presented individual sketches of AEV designs and decided to go with a hybrid of each other’s concepts with a gear driven AEV.
– Redistribute weight of AEV
– Pick a new model to design AEV
Week 5
Date: 2/7/2019
Location: Ovalwood 458
Time: 1330-1450(Face-to-face)
Members Present: All
Topics Discussed: Design of AEV, how to construct AEV, testing AEV
Objective: Complete PR&D 5
Tasks completed from last week:
-Continue testing fan powered design
-Obtain power over time data with fan-powered AEV
Tasks to be completed for upcoming week:
-Continue testing gear driven AEV
-Obtain power over time data with gear-powered AEV
Team F members graded each other’s design concepts and decided to go with a combination of everyone’s design. The AEV is to be gear driven and more research needs to go into designing a better wheel and stability.
– Redistribute weight of AEV
– Design a new wheel
– Stabilize drive-train
Week 6
Date: 2/14/2019
Location: Ovalwood 458
Time: 1330-1450(Face-to-face)
Members Present: All
Topics Discussed: Design of AEV, AR&D topics
Objective: Team F will complete first two AR&D topics
Tasks completed from last week:
– Continue testing gear driven AEV
Tasks to be completed for upcoming week:
– Continue testing gear driven AEV
– Voltage testing
– Motor optimization
Decisions: Team F decided to meet outside of class in order to catch up on AR&D topics
– Redistribute weight of AEV
– Design a new wheel
Week 7
Date: 2/21/2019
Location: Ovalwood 458
Time: 1330-1450(Face-to-face)
Members Present: All
Topics Discussed: Design of AEV, voltage testing
Objective: Team F will complete as many AR&D topics as possible
Tasks completed from last week:
– Continue testing gear driven AEV
Tasks to be completed for upcoming week:
– Repair AEV
– Continue testing Gear driven AEV
– Voltage testing
– Motor optimization
– Battery testing
Decisions: Team F decided to repair the AEV over the weekend. Team F will meet for lab next Monday and Tuesday in order to finish the AR&D topics
– Repair AEV
– Redistribute weight of AEV
– Find way to stabilize AEV
Week 8
Date: 2/25/2019
Location: Ovalwood 458
Time: 1500-1730(Face-to-face)
Members Present: Elijah Beal, Ibraheem Hindi, Mike McDaniel
Topics Discussed: AR&D Topics
Objective: Reconstruct AEV, finish AR&D 3 tasks for presentation
Tasks completed from last week:
– Reconstructed AEV
– Voltage Testing
– Motor Optimization
Tasks to be completed for upcoming meeting:
– Battery Testing
Decisions: Team F decided that all of the AR&D Topics need to be completed by tomorrow.
Reflections: It may be necessary to 3d-print a part in order to get the AEV functioning properly.
Date: 2/26/2019
Location: Ovalwood 458
Time: 1630-1700(Face-to-face)
Members Present: Elijah Beal, Ibraheem Hindi, Mike McDaniel
Topics Discussed: AR&D Battery Testing
Objective: Finish Battery Testing, finish presentation
Tasks completed from last meeting:
– Battery Testing
Tasks to be completed for upcoming week:
– Continue testing gear driven AEV
– Complete Performance Test 1
Decisions: A meeting will be held tomorrow in order to complete, and rehearse the slideshow presentation.
Reflections: The voltage of a battery seems to decrease with each use, which may be worth consideration going forward.
Week 9
Date: 3/7/2019
Location: Ovalwood 458
Time: 1330-1450(Face-to-face)
Members Present: All
Topics Discussed: Design of AEV, Performance Tests
Objective: Come up with a design for a part that will stabilize the AEV
Tasks completed from last meeting:
– Continue testing gear driven AEV
Tasks to be completed for upcoming week:
– Performance Test 1
– Install 3d printed parts
Decisions: Team F decided to 3d print a unique arm and casing.
Reflections: In order for the current design to work, a custom made arm that allows for additional space between the motor and drive wheel will be necessary.
Week 10
Date: 3/21/2019
Location: Ovalwood 458
Time: 1330-1450(Face-to-face)
Members Present: All
Topics Discussed: Performance Test 1
Objective: Complete Performance Test 1
Tasks completed from last week: Added 3d printed casing and arm.
Tasks to be completed for upcoming week: Performance Test 2
Decisions: None
Reflections: Test 1 was completed without major incident. It is worth noting that the new 3d printed parts have significantly increased the weight of the AEV
Week 11 – No Meetings
Week 12
Date: 4/2/2019
Location: Ovalwood 458
Time: 0945-1055(Face-to-face)
Members Present: All
Topics Discussed: Performance Test 2
Objective: Complete Performance Test 2
Tasks completed from last week: Performance Test 2
Tasks to be completed for upcoming meeting: Energy Optimization
Decisions: Affixed 3d printed mermaid to the bow of the AEV for aesthetic purposes
Reflections: Altering the code of the AEV even just slightly can result in wildly varying results. This will make fine tuning difficult.
Date: 4/4/2019
Location: Ovalwood 458
Time: 0945-1055(Face-to-face)
Members Present: All
Topics Discussed: Energy Optimization, Final Oral Presentation Draft
Objective: Optimize the energy usage of the AEV
Tasks completed from last week: Energy Optimization
Tasks to be completed for upcoming week: Final Performance Test, Oral Presentation Draft
Decisions: Created PowerPoint file for Oral Presentation
Reflections: In spite of it’s heavy weight, Team F’s AEV has proven to be far more energy efficient than other groups’ propeller driven vehicles thanks to being direct drive.
Week 13
Date: 4/9/2019
Location: Ovalwood 458
Time: 0945-1055(Face-to-face)
Members Present: All
Topics Discussed: Performance Test
Objective: Fine tune the AEV, and get it ready for the final Performance Test
Tasks completed from last week: None
Tasks to be completed for upcoming meeting: Final Performance Test, Oral Presentation Draft
Decisions: The Final Performance Test will be performed next meeting. Work on the AEV will be done outside of class to ensure it runs properly by the time of the test.
Reflections: Getting the AEV to run consistently is proving tricky. Further adjustments to the physical components of the AEV will likely be necessary.
Date: 4/11/2019
Location: Ovalwood 458
Time: 0945-1055; 1330-1450(Face-to-face)
Members Present: All
Topics Discussed: Performance Test
Objective: Finish the Performance Test
Tasks completed from last week: Final Performance Test, Oral Presentation Draft
Tasks to be completed for upcoming week: Final Oral Presentation
Decisions: Gear attached to motor was replaced
Reflections: Thanks to some last minute adjustments, the AEV successfully completed the last Performance Test.
Week 14
Date: 4/16/2019