Figure 1: Josh’s design concept
Josh submitted an air propelled AEV design concept, the simplistic nature of the design makes it easy to work with and is well balanced as the weight of the machine is evenly distributed.
Figure 2: Mike’s Design concept
Mike submitted a belt driven AEV design concept. The weight distribution of the machine would be difficult to work with as it seems most of the weight is on the right side from the front view. It might be more energy efficient if working properly. The complexity of the system also calls into question of the feasibility of completing the project with a budget in mind.
Figure 3: Ibraheems’s design concept
Ibraheem submitted an air propelled AEV design concept, the design of the machine seems that it will be for public transport and has a high safety rating in that aspect. The simplistic design would make it easy to work with and the working budget wouldn’t be enormous compared to other designs.
Figure 4: Elijah’s design concept
Elijah submitted a gear driven AEV design concept. It is hard to distinguish an exact plan of how the gears are going to work with the design but things to think about would be to include safety, weight distribution, budget, and how the gears are going to drive the AEV. If properly constructed it could potentially require less energy to operate than an air propelled AEV.