Week 1
Date: 1/12/2017
Time: 1300-1400 (Face-to-face)
Members Present: Mike McDaniel, Josh Conaway, Ibraheem Hindi
Topics Discussed: Team roll’s and expectations of individual team members
Objective: Discuss next weeks assignments and create a method of communication
Tasks completed from last week:
Tasks to be completed for upcoming week:
-Create u.osu website
-Complete class quiz 2 and 3
-Complete lab quiz 1 and 2
-Complete class activities 1 and 2
-Brainstorm ideas for AEV project
Team F decided to create a communication method via group text messaging. It was also decided that team meetings would be held by an as needed basis as many team members have busy schedules. Ibraheem will create u.osu website and invite other group members and class instructor.
– Some team members have updated never u.osu website in the past, to mitigate this, all team members will be required to update a portion of the team’s website.
Week 2
Date: 1/16/2017
Time: 1530-1600 (Face-to-face)
Members Present: Mike McDaniel, Josh Conaway, Ibraheem Hindi
Topics Discussed: Objectives to be met for the following week
Objective: Discuss next week’s assignments due and layout of how the u.osu website will be designed.
Tasks completed from last week:
-Create u.osu website
-Complete class quiz 2 and 3
-Complete lab quiz 1 and 2
-Complete class activities 1 and 2
Tasks to be completed for upcoming week:
-Finish updating u.osu website
-Complete class quiz 4
-Complete lab quiz 3 and 4
-Brainstorm ideas for AEV project and study code that will be applied to it
Team F decided that talking about upcoming individual assignments are just as important as group assignments because discussing problems individuals encounter can help the entire group learn from other’s mistakes. All lab information will be shared via email, so each member has pertinent information to succeed in the lab.
– Completing class work ahead of time seems to be an effective means of having more time to focus on upcoming deadlines and understanding what is expected for the AEV project.
Week 3
Date: 1/27/2017
Time: 1300-1430 (Face-to-face)
Members Present: All
Topics Discussed: Future objectives to meet for following week, assigned rolls for group project, and lab goals.
Objective: Discuss next week’s assignments due and look over lab procedures for following week
Tasks completed from last week:
-Finish updating u.osu website
-Complete class quiz 4
-Complete lab quiz 3 and 4
-Study code that will be applied to it
Tasks to be completed for upcoming week:
-Complete activity/application 3 and 4
-Complete journal 1
-Continue brainstorming AEV project
Team F discussed different methods of how to apply solid works and its applications to help better understand the program. Team F also decided to choose a different mode of transportation than air power for AEV project.
– Team meetings are beneficial to ensure there is no lack of communication or expectations between teammates.
Week 5
Date: 2/4/2017
Time: 1300-1630 (Face-to-face)
Members Present: All
Topics Discussed: Future objectives to meet for the following week, construction of AEV.
Objective: Discuss next week’s assignments due and look over lab procedures for the following week and discuss different methods for achieving a gear driven AEV.
Tasks completed from last week:
-Complete class quiz 4
-Complete lab quiz 3 and 4
-Study code that will be applied to it
Tasks to be completed for upcoming week:
-Build gear driven AEV
-Complete pre-class quiz 7
-Complete lab quiz 5
-Complete Solid Works extra credit 1
-Complete second website update 2
-Continue building AEV
-Continue brainstorming AEV project
Team F did the first build of the gear driven AEV and concepts needed for it to function properly. Team F also decided to hold another team meeting this week to discuss the progress of AEV, as well as purchase a battery to test outside of class. Team F also
– Plans are ever changing and it pays to be flexible, especially when working in a team environment.
Week 5
Date: 2/10/2017
Time: 1300-1345 (Face-to-face)
Members Present: Mike, Ibraheem
Topics Discussed: Future objectives to meet for the following week, construction of AEV, and Advanced R&D.
Objective: Discuss next week’s assignments due and look over lab procedures for the following week and discuss different methods for achieving a gear driven AEV.
Tasks completed from last week:
-Build gear driven AEV
-Complete pre-class quiz 7
-Complete lab quiz 5
-Complete Solid Works extra credit 1
-Complete second website update 2
Tasks to be completed for upcoming week:
-Class 8 quiz
-Application/Activity 5 , 6, 7, 8
-Progress report 1
-SW tutorial revolves and sweeps
-Continue working on AEV
Team F decided to add components to AEV to enhance stability. Also chose to do advanced R&D battery testing to meet criteria of the upcoming lab in week 6.
– Add some sort of grip to wheel of AEV to help drive on the track better.
Week 8
Date: 3/3/2019
Time: 1300-1400 (Face-to-face)
Members Present: Mike, Ibraheem, Josh
Topics Discussed: Assignments for this week, Progress Report
Objective: Finish homework due Tuesday, work on progress report 2, work on website update 3, prepare the CDR draft
Tasks completed from last week:
-Present AR&D
-Work on powerpoint slides
-Finish 3 AR&D tasks
-Lab proficiency quiz
-Journal 2
Tasks to be completed for upcoming week:
-Application/Activity 9,10
-Pre class Quiz 12
-Class 11 & 12
-Progress report 2
-SW tutorial 2 Assembly
-CDR draft
-Website Update 3
Work on the progress report, and divide up a part of the report to each group member.
-Have better balance on our AEV
-Make our design less complicated