What is a LIVEWELL approach to learning?

A LIVEWELL approach to learning recognizes student wellness as a priority, as necessary and foundational for successful academic success and optimal well-being. Faculty using a LIVEWELL approach integrate opportunities for wellness throughout the course with the goal of enhancing student wellness.

Why is this important?

More than half of college students struggle with burnout, stress, anxiety, depression, and/or mental health disorders. LIVEWELL classrooms improve cognition and academic performance and enhance students ability to make connections which improves their sense of belonging.

What makes a LIVEWELL classroom different from a regular classroom?

We start each class with positivity and motivation.
We will invite students to stand and move throughout the course.
We will encourage healthy foods and beverages. Water preferred.
We will give frequent breaks (at least every 45 to 50 minutes).
We will do a wellness activity in class and offer wellness activities for extra credit during the course.
We will be encouraging to each other and promote positive self talk, teamwork, and optimism.
We will work hard and partner together to accomplish great things.

Use these handouts to review specific teaching strategies to integrate LIVEWELL learning strategies into your classroom setting!


LIVE WELL Learning In-Person Classroom Setting

LIVE WELL Learning Online Setting

LIVE WELL Learning Clinical or Practice Settings