Healthy Sleep & Study Strategies

College students often fail to prioritize sleep and struggle with establishing healthy study habits.  Consider incorporating resources into coursework to encourage healthy sleep and studying as ESSENTIAL for academic success!


Resources to Support Healthy and Effective Studying

REMIND STUDENTS TO: Study Smarter, Not Harder!!

Effective Study Habits [Education Corner]
Good Study Habits to Develop [Coursera]
Studying alone or in a group [Pros-Cons; Oxford Learning]

The Office of Diversity and Inclusion AND the Dennis Learning Center at Ohio State have excellent study skills resources online, including recorded workshops with time management tips, and a self-assessment and guide to learning styles!

Tips to improve study habits from the above articles:
Find a good place to study. Minimize distractions.
Take breaks. Space out your studying.
Use active note taking strategies. Set study goals for each session.
Tame test-taking anxiety. Take practice tests.
Study in groups appropriately.
Ask for help. [Universities often have individualized study skills advising, and study workshops.]
Take care of yourself.

Resources to Encourage Healthy SLEEP Habits

RECOMMEND to STUDENTS to sleep 7-9 hours/night!!

Guided Sleep Meditation

Wind Down Nightly Yoga

Guide to Healthy Sleep 

Sleep Diary 

Tips to Beat Insomnia

Drowsy Driving Information

Consider adding this TED TALK to your course, and discussing with students! Matt Walker (2019; 13 minutes):