First Semester at OSU

College has been a good experience for me so far. It is still kind of a mess, but I am starting to figure it out. Before I came to OSU I was super nervous for college. I didn’t know what to expect. I was super worried I wouldn’t make any friends and that I would fail all of my classes. So far, I think I’m doing great! All my classes are going super well and I have made amazing friends! In general college is weird because it is a huge gap from high school. In high school, everyone still treats you like children, but in college you have a lot more freedom. Also, you can take cooler classes in college. The overall transition from high school to college wasn’t super bad, which I was thankful for. I think taking AP classes helped me a lot.

I am super glad I did Humanities Scholars. It is really nice to have all the opportunities we do, and the sense of community. It is also nice because it makes OSU seem much smaller. Another great thing about humanities is it let me meet my friends! In the future, I’m excited to get to do even more actives like Buckeyethon. I also hope I will get to do something with volunteering soon, because I like stuff like that.

Overall, I have had a good college experience so far and I’m excited to see what more is in store. I hope to meet even more people and have even more great experiences! I’m glad I decided to come to OSU, and I’m ready to see what else it has to offer!