
Final Module!

Hi friends, thank you for tuning in to my final post! I’ve learned quite a bit this year and I hope that I’ve shared along with you some of the biggest moments and takeaways that I learned this semester. I would recommend first and foremost that you organize yourself in the best way possible. This will help set you up for significant success in the long term. Once you are organized and have everything planned out as to when you need it done and how you are going to accomplish that you are already one step ahead of everyone else. I recommend using something as simple as google calendars for this, you just need something that you’ll be able to access at all times, and set it up in a way that is easy and manageable for you. After this, accomplishing your tasks using the best resources would be best. There are so many resources out there whether it is to help you study, memorize, learn new concepts, or even to keep you motivated! Whatever it is that you need to do I recommend you just do a simple google search and just look around and you’re bound to find it. If you need a study resource,  I absolutely love quizlet. I really think it has helped me to learn almost every material from college so far. I wish you all the best as you journey on your own career, and always know there are resources to help you. Cheers!

Module 6

Hi friends welcome back to another week of tips and tricks I have learned! This article I would like to focus on some resources that will really help make paper writing significantly easier. We all know that citing sources can be very gruesome, but it’s so much easier now with Other resources that will help with this is citeulike, and refworks. Refworks you have to be a student at Ohio State and access it through the library, but the others are free to use! The way it works is you take the article that you are trying to cite and can just put in the link, it’ll ask you if the information is correct where you can reference the article and make sure that the author, publisher, etc are correct. Once you do this, you can tell it what type of paper you’re writing, and the style that you’ll need and it’ll go through and do it all automatically for you. Once you get to that place you just need to copy and paste what it generated and put it at the end of your article and you are good to go! That’s all I have for you guys this week, I hope you enjoyed and I’ll talk to you again soon! Cheers!

Module 5

Hi there again friends and welcome back to this week’s edition of how I can help you! One of the main things we learned about this week were utilizing online resources. Throughout my experience in college I can tell you that online resources really helped me to excel when right papers or researching material, it gives you the extra edge to go a little bit deeper. There are online resources out there for you for just about anything, whether you’re writing a paper, doing homework, studying for an exam or even learning new material. One of the major benefits of being in college is that you have access to all kinds of academic resources through the library at the school. OSU is fantastic with this and they offer anything from academic journals all the way to research of stocks and bonds. There is information out there that can help you with just about anything. I would say that it is probably one of the most under-utilized resources in college, through the library website if you’re a student and on campus, you will be able to do research everything from the comfort of your own laptop. Beyond the library there are thousands of other online resources that are available, all you need to do is go explore them. I’ll leave that part up to you! Talk to you next week, until then. Cheers!

Module 4

Hey Friends,

Thanks for joining me back on my weekly blog! Today I want to talk to you about some techniques that I think you should apply to your studying or even work. I’ve learned this week just how bad multitasking can be for you, and how even a tv in the background can be detrimental to your focus. We’ve all had a game on in the background while trying to focus, and I at least know that it has negatively impacted my studying habits. Some techniques I think everyone should implement are to first start by planning your study time. If you want to have the game on, don’t plan to study during that time. Think about what you need to do and how long it’ll take, and take those and integrate them into your schedule to find the best time to study! Another technique would be to close web browsers that aren’t related to your material while you’re studying. Having the twitter app or espn website up while studying makes it that much easier to switch over to and take away from your learning. I think the most important technique is to turn off your phone while studying. You have set this time aside to accomplish what you need to do, don’t take away from it by using your phone when you could just do that a couple hours from now. Use the time for what you need to do and don’t let distractions get in the way. Thanks for joining in again this week, and I can’t wait to check back in next week. Cheers!

Module 3

Hi friends! I’m back to give you some more advice on how to make your life a little bit easier. This past week I learned all about time management, and what I need to do to effectively manage everything I have in a certain week. Previously, I was a huge dry erase board/ notebook planner, and used those to write down what I would need to do in a given week. However, this week I have just found out that there is some great technology out there that will help you manage time. If you simply just go into the App Store on your phone or computer and type in time management, you’ll see literally thousands of different apps that will help you manage your time. The great thing is that most of them work on both your computer and phone, so you’ll only need to pick one of these apps and it’ll be able to go on every device. I love this, now instead of having to  need my planner with me, I can simply just pull out my phone or laptop and go write in whatever it is that I need to work on for this week. I’ve already started to implement this, and I highly recommend all of you do as well. Now it is significantly easier to have all of my material in one place, and having access to it at all times is perfect. Also, you take away the risk of losing the planner, or spilling something on it! I hope all of you reading look into the great technology out there to help you become more efficient in managing your time.

Talk to you all next week! Cheers!

Module 2: Communicating and Collaborating

Hi friends! Each week I will be posting to my blog to give tips to college students based off what I’ve learned in class, and throughout my 4 years in college. Online communication has been something I’ve used quite a bit throughout my time at Ohio State. It is used in pretty much every aspect of life, whether it’s to your teacher, from your teacher, to friends, potential employers, and many more. There is a major difference in every type of communication, some can be extremely casual, and some have to be written as if your career depends on it. Luckily, there is a lot of material on the internet to help you prepare for any situation thrown at you. I’ve learned quite a bit from youtube videos and different google posts, as well as in classes. One video I found extremely useful this week was the video for emailing your professors by Dr. Stoltzfus. Emailing your professors can actually be quite tricky, some professors won’t acknowledge you if you send them an unprofessional message. I’ve always learned to treat them as if they’re your boss, this will work until you grow a better relationship with them and learn how they communicate with others. I hope my tips and tricks have helped you, and I’ll talk to you guys next week! Cheers!