
Final Reflection Blog Post

In this seven-week online study, I obtain a lot of useful learning strategies, know many helpful websites and tools, and have a new cognition to myself, which will definitely contribute to my study career.

First, I have learned some online tools and resources which help me a lot. I have learned how to manage my time and make a flexible schedule to regulate my every day study. For example, I can use google calendar to write down what we should do and due day of assignments before the beginning of a week and then that tool can give me an alert when the deadline is coming. Thus, I will not miss any due day and have enough time to finish my homework in high quality. Meanwhile, I have learned how to use blog or wiki to post my opinion on specific problem. It gives me an easy way to share my idea and thinking and I can learn from others’ idea and communicate with different people. Also, I find that the Google drive is very useful because I can find my documents and files in different computer. In module 4, I have learned some useful learn tools, such as Mind maps, Schedulizer Course Planner, and Make the Correct Citation. What I like most is the Make the Correct Citation. Because it is very easy to generate a right reference and it can save you a lot of time when writing research paper. Then, I learn some effective way to study about taking notes and listening class. Although they sounds easy and everyone can do but if you know some useful skill to do that, your work efficiency can be significantly enhanced. In module 6, I find that if we can use search engine in a right way, we can get information whatever we want! For example, we can use Boolean logic to limit the result of our searching and we can use “Advanced Search” to see more accurate information about our topic. And facing with different goals, we can turn to different website to seek for result. For instance, if you want to find some authoritative articles or books for your paper, you can go to the Google Scholar. If you just want to know some background knowledge, you can see the Wikipedia to find relevant materials. What is more, there is a very helpful website which can help you write your different types of paper, that is, Purdue OWL. In this website, you can find whatever you need and there are many tips for your study.

Second, through the Time Management Self-Assessment and Time Tracking assignment, I notice that I have some problem of procrastination and I am not very good at managing my time. Thus, I need to use some tools and strategies which learned from this course to help me make some change and make the most of my time in order to study better. Meanwhile, from this course, I find that I am a person who is willing to try new things. Because every time I face a new assignment, I am always enthusiastic about it and try to finish it well by myself. And every time I find a new tool or useful website, I often want to keep using them in later days and find if they can help my learning. Thus, this course gives a chance to know myself and help me learn better.

My most meaningful experience in the course is that I use an excel sheet to write the things that I have done in a week and use different color to mark the different type of things. The reason why I think it is meaningful is that this is first time I make some plan of my one week work. When I saw my whole week work in the excel sheet, I was surprised to find that I can do so many things in a week and it can help me analyze the time of using and help me make a right and reasonable schedule in future.

When it comes to How to apply what I learned in this class in the future, I think I can do many things. First, I can keep using the excel to record my every week tasks and regulate my daily assignment. Second, I can use some search and research strategies for writing my paper, such as, searching skills and Purdue OWL. Third, I can use blog or wiki to make some learn group and study with my classmates because we can easy to change idea and thinking use those tools.

I am very appreciated that I have chance to take this course and learn a lot of knowledge which can help me a lot in future.

Module 6: Searching & Researching (Blog Post 4)

It is obvious that we need more and more accurate and information in present-day society. Maybe you are students who struggle for paper or you are employees who need collect important data for meeting and negotiation, you have to find what you want in a short time. Therefore, effective searching and researching can be extremely significant. After learning module 6 which talks about how to search and research in an efficient way, Here are some useful tips that I really want to share with you.

First, you need to know the difference between searching and researching. Usually, you can use Google (keyword search), Yahoo (category search) or Wikipedia to find some useful source and information. And you can choose the different search skills (for example: Boolean logic), such as use a “AND”, “NOT”, or “quote”, to limit the search results and get what you need. Or you can use advanced search to select the information by yourself.

Compared with searching which means people get a brief background or basic knowledge, researching need people do a lot of work, such as looking for source, evaluating their credibility, and add them to paper with right citation. In this module, it tells us that we can find a great source by evaluating the reliability, quality, and utility of the source. As for scholarly searches, you can turn to Google scholar or University Libraries and find different bibliographies which are related to your paper or research.

When it comes to make a right APA or MLA style of your citation, I think most of students feel difficult about that. Luckily, in this module, it offers us many websites such as  which tell us the regulation and format of the APA or MLA. And there are some tools and websites such as  and  that can help us generate reference automatically. They do benefit us a lot!

Thank you for reading, and I hope these tips can give you a help when you studying.

Web-Enhanced Listening & Viewing Strategies

In present-day society, there is no doubt the more online learning strategies and skills you master, the more successful your academic life would be. Gone are the days when students just listened to teachers and take notes on their paper notebooks. We must grasp some important method to listening and note taking in order to keep up with others.

In module 5, we know how to listen and view the course effectively, that is, you must have the abilities of use of metacognitive, cognitive, and socio-affective strategies. To master this skill, you should prepare lessons before class, focus on the key point during the class, and discuss and check out notes with your classmates. Also, it is a useful way to get PPT from instructor or record the voice of class teaching using your own recording service such as recording pen. But you must notice that you should get permission from your teacher first. After knowing that, this module also recommend us some interesting and helpful application and website, such as ONE NOTE, lecture recordings, mind map, and wikis. Once you can use these software in practice, I am sure that you can take perfect notes in class. Then the module tells us what podcast is and how to use podcast to learn in a different way.

Besides, the module tells us how to use online video to help me understand the topic in which I am interested. These are some useful websites:,, And I use a YouTube video embedded to my blog. I think it is a fantastic way to learn some in a new angles on difficult concepts. What is more, once you use a video to illustrate your topic or idea, you will find it is not boring or hard to understand any more.

How To Write A Research Paper Fast



The video tell us how to save time when we regarding burdensome research paper as drudgery. First, the video presents that we should have a plan about our writing time, that is, 5% thinking up a thesis, 5%writing it down, 15% writing outline and arguments, 25% doing research, 40%actual writing, 10% polishing. And then, as for every step, the speaker gives us many helpful tips. For example, when you try to decide what your thesis statement is, you are recommended to use a thesis which you believe in it instead of doubting it. When you are writing an outline, it is better to write all the thought occur to you as fast as possible and write down the line of reasoning. After you finished the outline and arguments, you need to let your ideas flow and write freely to explain each argument in turn with facts and data, and end with a conclusion supporting your thesis in a convincing way. Finally, the video give me some useful idea to polish our paper quickly, which key point is to make sure tighten up your thesis, introduction and conclusion.


When I began my academic life in US, I was always wondering how to write a good research paper in a short time. After watching this video, I find the some tips are very useful and easy to undertake. This video help me understand the right step to finish an excellent paper by using vivid PPT and examples to illustrate the idea of how to write a paper fast. Unlike other teaching video, this one uses a new perspective to write a paper. It regards paper as a way to show our understanding of knowledge instead of drudgery. Holding this view, it clarifies the form of research paper and the essence of introduction, arguments, and conclusion. Knowing these ideas, I am able to write a research paper without spending a lot of time.

Web-Enhanced Reading & Studying Strategies

Do you remember how you study when the Internet was not so popular as today? Maybe you spent a lot of time on waiting a book from library or search a lot of paper materials in order to find answers about certain topic. But in present-day society, everything has been changed dramatically. A sea of websites and tools can help you study and facilitate your working efficiency.

After learning module 4, I find some useful online learning strategies and tools, which make me feel comfortable when I face the annoying academic tasks. These are some strategies can help us learn better. First we should have an awareness that we need to remove the distractors when we learning such as iPhone, iPad or TV. Second, we must have a clear picture of our goal to read or study. And then you need know the key point or important information about reading. After that, we must summarize our reading and focus on some specific topic. Finally, we need have a conclusion and help others understand.  If you can follow above, I am sure that you will definitely learn effectively. From this module, I also know the difference between traditional reading and online reading. In my opinion, I think it is more convenient to read online because you can easy find a lot of source on Internet and you have no need to carry heavy books with you all the time. What’s more, you can write down some marks or signs to make you notice some key points and important information and it is easy to erase.

Besides, I find a lot of useful tools help us study in this module such as Mind maps, Schedulizer Course Planner, and Google Drive. Let me give you a brief introduction of these Internet tools. Do you know the Make the Correct Citation? I think it is the easiest way to generate a certain type of citation for bibliographies. Because all you need to do is just type the name, author and other information of bibliographies, then the website can help you write a excellent reference, which means you don’t have to spend a lot of time in looking up the right type of citation. It does save you a lot of time to write your paper!  Another perfect tool is Google Drive. This tool is useful and timesaving because I have no need to deliver or keep the documents using U drive. And I can see my files in different electronic devices, which means I don’t need to carry my heavy laptop all the time.

Reflection of Communicating and Collaborating on the Web

There is no doubt that Internet make studying more accessible to us. After studying the Module 3, I would like to share my idea about online learning.

We need develop positive online relationships. For example, we should follow the “netiquette” which means etiquette on the web to protect our digital reputation. Because everyone has his or her own idea about the topic or problem, a good netiquette can help us avoid public argument or flame wars. Meanwhile, it can also make a good first impression online to others. These are some effective online communication tips which may help you study online better. When you want to contract someone, we must remember these tips: writing accurate subject line, using signature, double-checking recipients, and thinking before sending. Particularly, if you email your instructors, we had better avoid sarcasm, jokes, or demands and make sure that you are writing a letter instead of a text message.

In present-day society, Blog gives us a new way to obtain information and share our own ideas and opinions which is totally different from traditional media. Likewise, we can apply blog to our academic life. When you read blogs, you can learn more relevant information in real-world perspectives. Besides, commenting is also an interactive learning which means you know what other people’s idea and thinking. When you write your own blogs, you get a good change to publish thoughts and understandings. Once others read your blogs, they can easily comment you and you can interact with each other. You may think that following blogs is time-consuming. But if you learn how to use RSS to subscribe, it can push information in which you are interested. It is an obviously time-saving tool.

We are always asked to collaborate on academic project or work on case study together. Compared with paper work or email, some useful technology can benefit us a lot. For example, when we need a brainstorming, instant messaging software such as chat room, Skype, and Line can inform our ideas to teammates immediately; You can use scheduling polls to make it easier when you would like to meeting virtually or in person; If you want to write a paper with your teammates and edit or revise again and again, “wiki” is a good methods for everyone write their own words. Wiki can save and synchronize your writing and make sure others can see your words at the same time. In addition, what I like best is Google Drive. I think it is convenient for me because I can find my documents and files in different computer. What I need to do is just login in my google account and all the files are on the “cloud”.