Educational Video

This is a tutorial video regarding recursion:

This video explains the basic of recursion. The author gives the viewer the concept of recursion by giving an example with factorial problem. He mainly talks about how the factorial problem solved with using recursion because the code that he wrote automatically calculates the number that is entered to the program (In his example the number is five).

I like how the author step by step explaining how recursion would work. He points out the starting condition and gives the audience a clue what to do next, while he also explains why he write the code in the first place. I had the problem understanding recursion even after listening to a lecture. Mainly because the instructor just saying that students do not need to think about how recursion works because recursion is a complex material to be understood. However,  after watching this tutorial video, my understanding of recursion became legit to actually solve some recursion problems in class.

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