
Domestic Violence and Injustice within Families

Domestic violence is one of the great issues around the world. There are many cases being reported every year that hurts victims mentally and physically. Study has shown that around 21 percent of females and 18 percent of males have experienced domestic violence in China, and it is a huge number. The government in many countries has tried to promote the gender equality, but the domestic violence still appears in many places.


There was a news saying that a Chinese internet celebrity Lamu was burned by her husband and died in September. It was a sad news but reflected the severeness of the domestic violence. She got married with her husband at very young age and had two children, while her husband does not have a proper job for years. After her mother was dead her husband starts to beat her even in front of her family. But she forgave him time after time because of their children. It brings one point that children are one of the main points that leads to continued domestic violence. some of the victims does not want their child to have an incomplete childhood, but a disharmony family is even worse. Sometimes the scums even use their child to threaten partners which make them afraid of divorce. There is one video about Lamu.

The family members think the family inharmony as a kind of scandal and some of them refused to report this to local government. Many families thought the lives will be better in future and they are afraid of divorce which makes the violence become further intensified. But it was not that common in these years for many people lived in more modernized societies and they have sense to protect their family members. There is a video about domestic violence. Though the cases may be different among different parts of the world, but there are still similarities among them.

When they finally become brave enough to point out their husband or wife, the police just send them back with many simple accommodations. Some of the perpetrators have promised to not use any violence anymore but the oral promise does not make any difference for them. The ones who called the police have received by average more than 20 times bullying by their partner. There was a saying that Even an upright official finds it hard to settle a family quarrel that reflects the situation. The police do not want to interfere any family’s lives that makes domestic violence much easier to happen. The social norms do not maintain the harmony within the family but promote the domestic violence to become more and more severe. It is unrealistic to stop the domestic violence by promotion or family adjustment and sometimes local governments need to establish policies to protects victims in detail.