Year in Review

I have seen tremendous growth, both academically and personally, over the last year. I have enjoyed my time here at OSU and have made many good friends. I actually met my closest friend through HSS, which is great. HSS has fulfilled my expectations of expanding knowledge of the health field through many discussions of potential careers, medical knowledge, health-related activities and events, and many other opportunities. I especially liked the “Dining with the Department” event, where I could connect with faculty better. Additionally, the knowledge I have gained about health-related careers has shaped my future aspirations as well; I have a clearer mindset for my future.

For my second year in HSS, I look forward to gaining more exposure to what the health field has to offer. I would like to pursue more relationships with faculty and hospital personnel, and I believe HSS can help me achieve that by connecting me with the right people. I would also like to spend my second year further exploring options available to me after graduation, and potentially obtain an internship with a local or international organization.


Global Awareness: Students cultivate and develop their appreciation for diversity and each individual’s unique differences. For example, consider course work, study abroad, involvement in cultural organizations or activities, etc .

Original Inquiry: Honors & Scholars students understand the research process by engaging in experiences ranging from in-class scholarly endeavors to creative inquiry projects to independent experiences with top researchers across campus and in the global community. For example, consider research, creative productions or performances, advanced course work, etc.

Academic Enrichment: Honors & Scholars students pursue academic excellence through rigorous curricular experiences beyond the university norm both in and out of the classroom.

I spoke with Laura Zdon, who is a senior in the Public Health  program at OSU. She became interested in the medical field when she was a middle school student, and originally thought of becoming a doctor. However, once she got to OSU she realized that her passion lies in Public Health instead. She would like to use her degree in Public Health in a hospital setting, and she is not quite sure what position in the hospital she wants to pursue. This consoles me, since I have also not narrowed down my ideal career path yet.

Laura is preparing herself for her career by volunteering locally and seeking internships related to Public Health. She stays organized academically by following her degree plan that she created, which outlines what classes she needs to take and when the best time to take them is. Laura says that she really enjoys her courses in Public Health, and she is glad she chose this major. She is excited for her future in Public Health.

Leadership Development: Honors & Scholars students develop leadership skills that can be demonstrated in the classroom, in the community, in their co-curricular activities, and in their future roles in society.


Service Engagement: Honors & Scholars students commit to service to the community.

This past year, I spent the most time volunteering with the Mid Ohio Foodbank. I assisted in the Kroger Food Pantry as a shopping assistant in the fall, where I would walk with the shoppers and help them choose the items they wanted. In December I volunteered for the South Side Community Kitchen as a meal server. This volunteer event was my favorite since I was able to communicate with more individuals from the community, and so it was the one I continued with in the spring.

I think the South Side Community Kitchen was the most memorable experience out of all the places I volunteered at. At this volunteer opportunity, I was best able to form connections with the people that were participating in the dinner. Being a table washer was not the most glamorous job, and probably not a job most would ask for, but I think it offered a lot experience wise. Cleaning the tables meant that I would have to often face a community member having their meal, and gave me an opportunity to get to know them a little better. All of the people I interacted with were friendly, polite, and interesting to talk to. They all had their own stories, and I enjoyed hearing them.

My favorite connection I made was with a woman who goes to the weekly dinner offered at the center with her three young sons. I first met her mid December, and we chatted about the holidays, her kids, future goals, and other topics. She was very bubbly, and I enjoyed getting to know her. A few months pass and when I volunteer again, she recognized me! I was very surprised because while we did talk in the past, it couldn’t have been more than for half an hour. Yet, months pass and when she sees me she brightly waves and starts talking with me as if no time had gone by. I was very happy to speak with her again, and was very touched that she had remembered me.


[“Career” is where you can collect information about your experiences and skills that will apply to your future career.  Like your resume, this is information that will evolve over time and should be continually updated.   For more information, go to: Delete these instructions and add your own post.]


As part of my volunteering experience, I spent 120+ hours interning for the OSU Wexner Medical Center Division of Nephrology and Rheumatology. I attended clinicals, conferences, did research on lupus vasculitis, and grand rounds with the other doctors. It was an INCREDIBLE experience!

Poster from my Public Health Capstone Poster Session – Spring 2018

About Me





Alexa is 18 years old from Powell, Ohio, majoring in Public Health with a Sociological concentration. She is very excited to explore all of the opportunities that OSU has to offer and looks forward to participating in extracurriculars on campus. Alexa enjoys learning and pushing herself to take rigorous academic schedules. She is also very interested in foreign languages, and self-studies whenever she has time in order improve her proficiency in Polish, Spanish (and soon Korean — that is next on her languages-to-learn list). In her free time, Alexa likes to paint, cook aesthetically pleasing meals, take pictures of pretty landscapes (mountain pictures are the best), try to learn choreography from YouTube videos, and travel to new places to learn about different cultures.

<<The Future>>

Currently, Alexa’s plans for the future include getting a B.S. in Public Health followed by a Masters in Health Administration. Possible career paths related to her major involve consulting for the CDC or working as an administrator in a hospital. She is very interested in healthcare systems and how they compare with each other on an international field, and she hopes to find a career that would incorporate this interest. She would also like to spend a few years teaching English abroad, in order to expand her language repertoire and her international awareness. Even though teaching abroad isn’t related to a public health major, Alexa believes the benefits (foreign language/culture exposure, experience in adaptability and self-reliance while in a foreign country, general teaching ability) will be a great asset when she searches for a job in the international health care field.

Update Log:

24 July 2016 — 11:53 pm

25 July 2016 — 12:07 am (I noticed some typos)

15 August 2016 — 8:48 pm