Pre-Law Fellowship in Washington, D.C.

For my STEP project I took part in a 3 week pre-law fellowship through the Lex Fellowship Program in Washington, D.C. during the summer of 2023. There I visited different law firms each day for hands-on experience with diverse cases, fields, and lawyers in the D.C. metropolitan area. Additionally, I was able to draft and participate in oral arguments, case studies, and group debates with others in my cohort. Lastly, I underwent legal training for 2 hours a day to study 1L courses, completed LSAT exercises, and sat in on court hearings in the municipal court. 


Beyond the legal studies and educational aspects of the trip, however, I was able to gain a new understanding of myself and the world around me. Growing up in a small town in northern Ohio, there wasn’t much diversity or city to navigate. I grew very comfortable with my close-knit community and never felt the need to step outside of that bubble until I decided to live in Washington, D.C. for a month. During this trip, I was able to step out of my comfort zone and gain necessary self sufficiency skills that will help me in the future. Additionally, I was able to network with a diverse group of students from across the world and lawyers from various fields of law in the D.C. metropolitan area. Upon arrival, I quickly recognized how comfortable I was with independence and navigating the city. While the experience was daunting at times, I ultimately felt that this was the best opportunity for me in order to adapt to a new lifestyle and venture out of my comfort zone. 

Throughout the program, my cohort and I underwent a series of excursions and projects that deepened my relationships with others and helped me become more self-sufficient. For instance, we had to navigate the public metro throughout the city to get to the law firms each day. From there, my peers and I were split into teams to argue a side on a relevant case. By the end of the program, we had each researched and presented our own oral arguments for a side on our assigned case and grown closer than ever in the process. This not only helped advance my legal writing and critical thinking skills, but enhanced my ability to collaborate with others in a professional setting. 


Even outside of the workplace, my peers and I had opportunities that helped acclimate us to the big city. I initially was hesitant about venturing into the city with complete strangers, but everyone was very welcoming, and by the end I felt comfortable taking the train with them from Washington, D.C. to New York City. During our scheduled free time, we got to explore the Supreme Court, the Library of Congress, the Tidal Basin, street markets, Martin Luther King Jr. Memorial, and Union Station. I can confidently say that each of these experiences opened me up to new perspectives alongside a diverse group of people. While all of this sounds enticing and fun, there were many curve balls thrown at us that we were forced to work around. Whether it was getting caught in a storm or getting lost on the metro, there was always an opportunity to learn. 


 I would not have been able to grow so comfortable in the city without the support and friendship from the others in my cohort. Stepping out of my comfort zone was challenging, but immersing myself within the program opened me up to something I never would have learned otherwise. Even the little, mundane activities like wandering the street outside Capitol Hill, living on Catholic University, and collapsing on the couch at the end of the day with my friends were fulfilling. My time in this fellowship has allowed me to meet people from various backgrounds and foster friendships that I feel will last a lifetime. These relationships were enriching both personally and professionally. 


Ultimately my STEP signature project in Washington, D.C. summoned a newfound confidence within myself. I never thought I would be as adaptable and outgoing as I proved to be during this fellowship. Whether it was a fast-paced work setting or leisure evening on campus, I felt I was able to thrive in any social setting, which was refreshing since I usually consider myself an introvert. Because of my experience in this program, I have a different outlook not only on the outside world around me, but on myself as well. This fellowship helped me realize all that I was capable of. Perhaps the person that I thought I was wasn’t the totality of everything that I could be. This is the biggest lesson that I will take back with me to Ohio State as I continue to pursue my career in the legal field and reach new heights. I cannot thank the STEP program enough for nudging me along in this program and helping expand my perspectives on myself and the world around me.