STEP Project Reflection

  1. Please provide a brief description of your STEP Signature Project. Write two or three sentences describing the main activities your STEP Signature Project entailed.

My STEP Signature Project was an international trip to Toronto, Ontario with the MUNDO program at Ohio State. With MUNDO, I travelled to Toronto, making stops along the way as we discussed the trip’s annual theme: Crossing Borders and Boundaries.

  1. What about your understanding of yourself, your assumptions, or your view of the world changed/transformed while completing your STEP Signature Project? Write one or two paragraphs to describe the change or transformation that took place.

While travelling in Toronto and completing my project, I learned so much more than I had ever known about the history of the underground railroad and the trials and tribulations that so many formerly enslaved peoples went through on their journey to freedom. This freedom was reached only when they crossed into Canadian territory and could no longer be returned to their captors. This is a struggle that we hear about as early as middle school, but some of it fails to register until you are travelling the exact path that so many others followed in search of their own freedom from the horrors they experienced in America. Though I do not know of any Black/African descent in my family tree, I am an enrolled tribal member of the MHA Nation in North Dakota and am almost positive that some of my ancestors made similar journeys to escape the persecution of colonizers. These reasons are why I have always felt and will continue to feel like the darker sides of American history are some of the most important to teach and to be taught. Only when we know better, can we truly do better.

  1. What events, interactions, relationships, or activities during your STEP Signature Project led to the change/transformation that you discussed in #2, and how did those affect you? Write three or four paragraphs describing the key aspects of your experiences completing your STEP Signature Project that led to this change/transformation.

There were many events during the trip that sparked my curiosity and led to a change in my perspective. One was the starting and stopping points of our journey to Toronto and the intentionality in which they were chosen. One other event that had an effect on my personal world view was the multiculturalism present in Toronto. The little “easter eggs” all across a large city that showed its welcoming nature to all cultures and what they brough with them was so imspiring. This was an unexpected but pleasant surprise.

Going back to the beginning of the trip, we began bright and early where we met in the Alonso Family Room in the Center for Belonging and Social Change before departing for Toronto. The Alonso Family Room is an iconic structure on Ohio State’s campus because of its significance in the underground railroad. The room, large glass panel windows on each of its five sides, was constructed to resemble a lantern. This lantern symbolizes a stop on the underground railroad where many people rested while in pursuit of their freedom. Next, we stopped in Detroit, Michigan to see The Gateway To Freedom. This monument honors Detroit and the Detroit River as the gateway it served as for so many people on their way to Canada to claim their freedom. The monument is a sculpture of about seven people, some of African descent and some not, facing the river, looking onward to the freedom which lies just on the other side. This stop, along with our final stop in downtown Toronto helped me to better understand the absolute strength and courage that so many people must have possessed to make it all the way to Canada from mostly Southern US states.

            Once we arrived in Toronto, I was taken aback by the beautiful skyline and found myself imagining what the land looked like when so many freedom seekers saw it for the first time. During our first full day in the city, the group stopped by the infamous Toronto sign to do some group reflections and get a group picture. The very first thing I noticed about the sign was the giant medicine wheel located at the very front, just to the left of the first “T” in Toronto. The medicine wheel is a sacred symbol for many Indigenous people across North America. To see it in such a high-traffic, public place was so welcoming and inspiring. I have never and may never see anything like it in the United States. This just goes to show the differences between life as an Indigenous person in Canada compared to the U.S. From the Toronto sign to Chinatown, and the many cultures seen in places like Kensington Market, Toronto had a diversity that I had never seen before. Looking back, it is probably because of this that I enjoyed the trip so much.


  1. Why is this change/transformation significant or valuable for your life? Write one or two paragraphs discussing why this change or development matters and/or relates to your academic, personal, and/or professional goals and future plans.

This development of my understanding of the world is so important for my growth as a person. As someone who grew up in the rural Appalachian Mountains of Ohio, I never believed I would have the opportunity to travel and experience new things like I did in Toronto. I have always made it my life’s mission to never stop growing and never stop learning. People who are open to new things and welcoming to change are, in my opinions, some of the best kinds of people. I want to be the person that is always willing to learn about new cultures, traditions, and ways of thinking or believing. Toronto has shown me one of so many ways of living and I could not be more grateful for the experience.

STEP Reflection

  1. Our responsibilities at Freeda Media included an initial analysis of the company’s digital social properties. This task was followed by the research and creation of a site published UK survey which allowed the team to utilize data and information regarding follower demographics and positioning. The team then conducted an in-depth competitor analysis for both the UK and US market. Our team was able to identify key factors for potential international expansion of the company.
  2. This project presented countless opportunities to travel and immerse myself in new cultures, meet and work alongside skilled individuals, and grow both professionally and personally! This project taught me more about Italian culture and whether or not the city of Milan would be a fit for me. This allowed me to explore a new country while also discovering a new appreciation for the US. The company I consulted for taught me more about the inside of working for a social media firm and the different elements within. I learned about the many different teams and sections that work collaboratively to stay competitive within the market. I also learned about the various barriers when looking to enter the US market from the EU.
  3. Some key aspects of my experience were my very first day of the program, getting dinner with my full program members, and my very last day. My first day of the program, I have never felt so quickly included. There were no nerves entering the company because my team of 3 other Ohio State students supported each other so adequately. The company was ecstatic to introduce us to the coworkers and show us the office. Towards the end of the program, all 16 of us went to get dinner and explore the central duomo of Milan. This was such a reflective experience considering only a short few weeks ago, I knew none of the kids on my trip. By the end of the dinner I had sat and enjoyed conversations with each person! I was so appreciative to be around such an amazing group of new friends! My very last day was a very insightful experience. I realized how close I had grown with my team and how sad I was to say goodbye. I had never been so thankful for the 3 students that I can now call friends who were my consulting team. This was a group of students who were equally as eager to work as well as excited to become lifelong friends.
  4. This opportunity has allowed me to dive further into the frameworks of digital marketing and provided invaluable insights to the world of content creation. This will assist me in my future career in marketing and offer me international work experience. This experience has shown me the significance of friendship and the importance of having openness to new people and new experiences. I will continue to learn, work, and grow as a young individual in my future endeavors with this program experience in mind.

STEP Reflection Post

1. Please provide a brief description of your STEP Signature Project. Write two or three sentences describing the main activities your STEP Signature Project entailed. 

For my step signature project, I traveled to Honolulu, Hawaii where I completed a course in which I received my PADI Open Water Scuba Certification. In completing this course, I participated in extensive learning, closed water dives, and open water dives where I was able to learn all of the knowledge and safety precautions and leadership skills that are required first hand from very experienced divers. 


2. What about your understanding of yourself, your assumptions, or your view of the world changed/transformed while completing your STEP Signature Project? Write one or two paragraphs to describe the change or transformation that took place. 

Completing my STEP Signature Project significantly transformed my understanding of myself and my view of the world. Through the intensive scuba diving course, I discovered a new level of resilience and adaptability within myself. The physical and mental challenges of diving, such as mastering breathing techniques and underwater navigation, pushed me out of my comfort zone and helped me develop greater confidence in my abilities. This experience taught me the importance of staying calm and focused under pressure, which is a valuable lesson I can apply to various aspects of my life. Additionally, the project broadened my perspective on environmental conservation and cultural appreciation. Interacting with professional divers and learning about marine ecosystems firsthand made me more aware of the importance of preserving our oceans. I also gained a deeper appreciation for Hawaiian culture by working with local divers who shared their knowledge and traditions. This experience opened my eyes to new communities and the need for collective efforts in protecting our natural world. Overall, the project enriched my understanding of leadership, environmental stewardship, and cultural respect.

This experience also helped me grow my leadership skills as well. During this course, I had to learn new skills on the fly, take initiative, demonstrate respect to others, work with other divers in the class to complete learning tasks and assessments underwater, and be able to thoroughly make good decisions that impact others in a positive way. These skills taught me to be comfortable in uncomfortable situations and to remain composed in times of stress. Learning to scuba dive is very fun, but the skills that you learn and develop can help you engage in leadership in the real world. 


3. What events, interactions, relationships, or activities during your STEP Signature Project led to the change/transformation that you discussed in #2, and how did those affect you? Write three or four paragraphs describing the key aspects of your experiences completing your STEP Signature Project that led to this change/transformation. 

During my experience, there were a number of events and teachings that contributed to the transformations that I experienced. One event that resulted in these transformations was the safety training exercise at a depth of 50 feet underwater, where I had to completely remove my scuba mask underwater and then put it back on and clear the water. This exercise was both daunting and crucial for building confidence in my abilities. I needed to remain calm, listen to instructions, and stay focused while performing this test in an unfamiliar environment while not being able to breath. This challenged me to overcome fears and trust in my training. Being able to complete this exercise, even when I felt like quitting, increased my self-confidence and taught me the importance of a strong mind and remaining calm. 

Working on underwater navigation with fellow students was another transformative aspect of the project. We had to complete navigation exercises together, relying on each other to find our way and communicate effectively underwater. Additionally, we participated in training simulations where one person would simulate running out of oxygen, and we had to share our oxygen supply and return to the surface safely. These exercises taught me and reinforced the importance of teamwork and trust. We had to put our minds and skills together to succeed safety. It was reinforced that communication and trust are needed to be a good leader and get each other to the end goal. 

Having the opportunity to learn from experienced divers was another significant factor in my transformation. I was able to learn so much from them. Their experience, patience, guidance, and passion for diving were very inspiring. Being able to see their leadership and teaching styles gave me a deeper understanding of effective leadership. This will help me when I am given the opportunity to lead and teach others. 

Finally, being in Hawaii and around the culture and beautiful environment also had effects on me and lead to transformations. Being able to learn about local tradition and communicate with the other local divers gave me a new perspective on the land/environment and life itself. People in different cultures live very differently than I do and it was a unique experience to see this first hand. I was able to learn about cultural diversity and environmental stewardship (especially underwater in a whole new world). The deep respect for the ecosystem and the leadership events that they have put in place to protect the earth are inspiring. This has inspired me and has taught me that effective leadership includes cultural inclusivity and responsibility. 


4. Why is this change/transformation significant or valuable for your life? Write one or two paragraphs discussing why this change or development matters and/or relates to your academic, personal, and/or professional goals and future plans.

The changes and transformations that I have experienced are very valuable in my academic, personal, and professional goals. Being able to learn all of these new skills and complete the test portion of the program has taught me the when I really apply myself, I can succeed and get very good scores. It also taught me the importance of studying and learning topics that you enjoy. Since I liked scuba diving, I was able to more easily study the material. This is important and helps reinforce the fact that I should continue getting a degree and pursue a career in a field that I enjoy. Professionally, the leadership skills that I have learned are very applicable to my career. This summer, I have already started a new internship. During this internship orientation and group intern examinations/case studies, I was able to put my newly developed leadership and communication skills to use to effectively lead and communicate to my team under pressure. The cultural diversity that I was exposed to will also help me interact with my peers in theworkplace and be able to better understand others.

Finally, this experience will help me with my personal life. It has given me lasting memories and stories that I can share with friends and family. It has also shown me that I can overcome both mentally and physically demanding tasks. By completing this certification program, I am now licensed to scuba dive anywhere in the world. This sense of accomplishment has really boosted my self-esteem and increased my own self belief in my abilities.


*image 1: picture of a sea turtle the instructor took during our last dive

*image 2: my group and I after completing the program and our last dive

*image 3: the tanks and boat we used

(I was underwater the majority of this course, so pictures are very limited)




Reflection Post

  1. Please provide a brief description of your STEP Signature Project. Write two or three sentences describing the main activities your STEP Signature Project entailed.


On this journey, about 28 individuals traveled to Toronto, Canada to learn about the history and legacies of the country. Not only that, we got to listen to locals of the area and learn about their perspectives and how they arrived. On this journey, we also learned about the current housing crisis that is still occurring within the country, especially within the Toronto area. 


  1. What about your understanding of yourself, your assumptions, or your view of the world changed/transformed while completing your STEP Signature Project? Write one or two paragraphs to describe the change or transformation that took place. 


When I went on this trip I already had a couple of preconceived notions about Canada. Of course, there were the stereotypes that were associated with being from the Toronto area like “eh” used after every single word. And then I also learned about the significance of Hockey being a big thing in Canada, which makes sense given the climate that they are in. Another presumption that I had about Toronto was that it was going to be or feel just like the United States. Several people had told me that it does not feel like a new country, but rather another major city in the United States. 


However, after being on this trip, I recognized that despite Canada being very close, it is still a country, and runs things differently. Once I crossed the border it genuinely felt as if I was in a different country, which is an experience that I had when I was abroad in London. I also recognized that I was close-minded about Canadians, they are similar to us in some ways but also vastly different in others. I got to also learn more about black history, and throughout my time in Canada I learned more about what happened after individuals escaped the harsh conditions of the South, and we were no longer considered slaves. 


  1. What events, interactions, relationships, or activities during your STEP Signature Project led to the change/transformation that you discussed in #2, and how did those affect you? Write three or four paragraphs describing the key aspects of your experiences completing your STEP Signature Project that led to this change/transformation. 


A lot of things were covered during this trip. For example, on the first day, we started in the social and belonging change room of the Union. While at the room we learned about the reason for the room being shaped as a lantern, which the reason was because of the fact that it used to be a gathering spot and the area was known for being in the underground railroad. Once we departed for Canada our first place was Detroit, Michigan. This is also a border to Canada, so being here is a monumental place. When I was here I also learned about the various efforts that were put in by other white people who supported the freedom from these slaves, and some of the things that they did to show direction into becoming free. That was something that I hadn’t known previously and was very intrigued after I learned that. On the second or third day, we also had a tour of Toronto and got to learn about what happened once some of the now-free slaves ended up here. It was interesting to learn how life wasn’t exactly peaches and cream after the arrival of a new country.


Another tour of ours also was a food tour, in which we went to Lawerence Market and got to experience some of Canada’s primal food. We got to meet the owner of Foodies, the company that we did the tour with and got to enjoy some delicious food. While hearing his voice, I noticed certain words that he said that kind of fed into the stereotypes that I already had. So for example, he said things like about, out, and house, which all have the “ou” there was just a larger pronunciation of the u in all of those words. There were other words that I couldn’t remember but it was just interesting to fully experience the differences in language within Americans and Canadians despite the closeness of the two countries. 


Another experience that I was transformed by was the volunteering that we did, and speaking to some of the college students who attended the University of Toronto, where we stayed. We volunteered at a church which also has an AirBnB, and a food pantry, and also has a furniture store that uses its profits to go back into the community. And so while we were doing our work we got to listen to some of the people that reside there and they talked about the housing crisis in Toronto. I’ve forgotten her name but a certain lady that ran the area mentioned that even people who are middle class are often seen here because of the high expense of food and cost of living. On the other hand, students from Toronto were talking about how it was hard to even find apartments near Toronto because of the fact that living is so expensive, and so sometimes students have to either commute or consider transferring schools, which was quite shocking to hear. This was transformational because it opened my eyes and made me realize that the housing crisis and cost of living is an international problem with several countries facing this issue. 


  1. Why is this change/transformation significant or valuable for your life? Write one or two paragraphs discussing why this change or development matters and/or relates to your academic, personal, and/or professional goals and future plans. 


This change is significant in my life because it has fully changed my mind on the way that I view the world. As mentioned earlier, we did several things while being on the trip and got to learn about several experiences. And so within those experiences, I recognized that my mind and thinking have changed from a national point of view to an international point of view. I also think with this experience it has taught me to recognize that there is so much to this world that I simply have never explored. So with that,I hope to do so. In terms of my personal goals, I hope to continue exploring abroad with every opportunity that is presented to me. In terms of my professional and academic goals, I want to pursue my master’s program abroad potentially.


Volunteering Pictures!