STEP Reflection

My STEP signature project led me to study abroad at Alliance Manchester Business School. I was able to study business at a foreign university, meet people from all over the world, and travel to several surrounding countries in Europe. I put myself in a very different learning environment than I have ever been in and it was a very interesting experience for me. Overall, this taught me a lot about myself and the other cultures of the world I live in.

Personally, I think my understanding of other cultures has changed the most because of this project. Before, I had never left the country and most of my friends grew up in a way similar to how I did. Now, not only did I live in another country, but I also travelled to several others and have made friends with people from all over the world. I learned about the history and cultural customs of England while I was living there. I loved participating in events (football games, pub crawls, socials, etc.)  that they normally partake in while I was there and I always loved hearing the sayings/ slang (“sound as a pound,” “can’t be arsed,” “I’m chuffed to bits”) and learning what the translation was. When I travelled to other countries, I visited a lot of historically significant sights and learned a good deal from our tour guides and in museums. Furthermore, some of the friends I made were from places like Brazil, Peru, Africa, Hong Kong, India, Canada, etc. so I ended up learning a lot about their cultures too. I am even currently staying with my friend and her family who are from Brazil!

Also, I learned a lot along the way about myself. Specifically, I learned more about how I like to learn and what I respond to. In the UK, school is quite different from how it is in the US. I knew it was going to be different going in, but I did not know what to expect. Classes were much less structured, which I actually found to be quite difficult. Professors were not very upfront of what they expected from you in your work, so the group project I had to do became very difficult because everything was so unclear. I know now more than ever that I need clear guidelines and proper structure to be motivated in class. However, I did like how they tried to involve students in the classroom. All of my professors would ask questions and prompt discussions from us during class, which was a really nice way to learn. I also developed some good group work and communication skills because I had to do several group projects with people from all over, so it was interesting what we had to do to work together.

Also, I learned that I do genuinely love to travel and try new things. I had the best times trying new foods, meeting new people, and doing new activities. I was unsure if I would make friends or like being so far away from home, but I loved it. I was not homesick at all; I actually found the transition quite easy. When you are abroad, you have to rely on yourself and your instincts so much more. I learned that I loved this, I got to be independent and rely on myself so much more than at home. I ate breakfast and dinner almost every day by myself in the dining hall. At first, I hated it, but then I grew to really enjoy the alone time and eventually did work up the courage to make friends there and eat with them. Also, going on a weekend trip with just one or two friends really allows you to trust others more and rely on your instincts.

This experience was by far the best time I had ever had in my life and I would not change a thing. I learned so much about myself and the cultures of the world that are not my own. I feel so much different than when I left. Personally, I am surer of myself and more confident than ever before. I feel like this is not only good for my personal life, but also for future professional career. Also, now that I have been opened up to living abroad and different cultures, I do have more of an interest in global business. Perhaps my experiences in another country will also give me an edge in the global job market as well. Academically, the diversity in my education helped me learn how I best learn. I now know what I feel like I need from a professor, and I do feel like my group work skills have grown. I am now so excited to continue traveling the rest of my life and continue learning about the world.


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