My Transformational Experience: Barcelona 2017

For the fall semester of 2017, I studied abroad at Universitat Pompeu Fabra in Barcelona. I studied Spanish language and culture while living with a host family in the city, in addition to traveling to various parts of Europe and Morocco in order to gain greater insight and first-hand experience with other cultures and lifestyles.

Castells- a Catalonian tradition

This project led me to a greater understanding of other cultures and lifestyles and enabled me to expand my worldview and my fluency in the Spanish language. The world feels so much smaller now, and my confidence in speaking Spanish is much greater than it was before I embarked on this journey. I am more understanding, accepting, and curious about other cultures, belief systems, and ideas. Besides these anticipated changes, living in Barcelona also sparked some unexpected but just as valuable transformations that have changed the way I think, budget time, and interact with others for the better.

View from Montserrat

My time in Barcelona also enabled me to gain a greater understanding of myself as an individual and as an introvert. As someone who enjoys and needs time for thinking and reflection, I have also struggled to find a balance in a world that seems to favor extroversion. Finding a balance in a completely new, unfamiliar, and at times intimidating environment was the biggest challenge I have ever encountered. However, knowing that I succeeded in this endeavor abroad, I am even more confident that I can find a good balance in my career and personal life. As a twin I have often been seen as part of a pair, and I’ve never spent more than a few days away from my twin. Living away from everyone I knew for a few months gave me a new sense of independence and individuality.

As a twin, I had lived my whole life with my sister at my side. Making connections with new people who had no idea that I was a twin was a refreshing new experience for me and allowed me to be more in touch with myself as an individual. This has changed how I approach everyday life and interactions, and has brought me a greater sense of individuality and independence.

The biggest challenge I faced abroad was finding a balance as an introvert. As someone who needs quiet time for reflection and thinking each day, exploring and navigating a new environment in my second language, meeting all new people, and adjusting to a different lifestyle were often daunting, frustrating, and exhausting tasks. The first few weeks in my new home, I was often tired, stressed, and determined that being an introvert in today’s society was a mistake. Indeed, going into this project I had hoped that I would become more extroverted: that I would need less quiet time and be more adventurous and outspoken.

It was in the Sahara desert of Morocco that I came to the realization that this was not what was going to happen. This was the most difficult realization I made on the entire trip. The day the plane took off, I was so physically and mentally exhausted that I debated staying in Barcelona. I didn’t think I could handle the stress of travel or of interacting with so many new people at once. Spending several nights in a desert and having to navigate another new country after I’d just adjusted to Spain sounded like insurmountable obstacles. However, I decided that morning that this was not an opportunity I was going to miss; I was going to pack my things and take on the adventure. I decided at the same time that I would stop trying to ignore my need to reflect; I would make an effort instead to be more aware of my energy level and sense of well-being.

That week ended up being the most incredible and changing week of my life thus far. I challenged myself more than I ever had before, riding camels over endless stretches of sand dunes, sleeping in ‘haimas’ under a sky full of stars, eating Moroccan food and immersing myself in a culture even more unfamiliar than that of Spain.

Camel ride to the big dune

I was able to challenge myself to this degree because I also took time to be in touch with myself. I woke up at 6 am to the prayer calls from the nearby village, watched the caravans inch over the dunes in front of a red sunrise, sat in awe of the number of stars that were visible from our camp, and wrote in my journal religiously. It was in these times of reflection that I realized that introversion is neither better nor worse than extroversion. I don’t need to change it; I just need to find a different way to balance out my time.

Sunrise in Morocco

So, while I became more daring and confident, I also became more comfortable, happy, and balanced as an introvert. In addition to meeting an excellent group of new friends, exploring incredible new places, and challenging myself in the classroom, I began to write more in my journal each night and to take time alone to enjoy the beach, a sunset, a local band, a museum, or a hole-in-the-wall coffee shop.

Olivemoon- a local band

In Spain, I overcame the challenges of life in a foreign country, lived outside of my comfort zone a bit each day, and gained so much insight into my own identity. I feel much more ready to conquer whatever challenges my future holds. Having found a balance abroad, I am very confident that I will be able to carry this balance over into my professional and personal life in the future. I am more confident, independent, and fearless.

Sunset by the beach

I am eager to continue learning about not only the Spanish language and culture, but also of cultures and people all around the world. The world has suddenly appeared in my eyes so much more diverse and rich in ideas, and yet so much smaller and interconnected than I’d ever imagined before. Overall, study abroad has helped me to become not just a better speaker of Spanish, a better communicator, and a better global citizen, but also more understanding, accepting, independent, confident, and daring. These qualities are essential for success in my future career and happiness in my personal life. The challenges I faced abroad were not easy to overcome, but the transformations they have brought about have made them all more than worth the struggles, and I would not trade my time in Barcelona for anything.

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