Student Org Spotlight: Buckeye Travel Club

Buckeye Travel Club members gather for a group shot

Buckeye Travel Club members gather for a group shot

Many students aspire to travel abroad but are faced with barriers like cost, timing and logistics. Because of these barriers, planning a trip can be daunting, but Buckeye Travel Club is here to help. Founded in August 2014, Buckeye Travel Club exists as an informative and social organization for students who are interested in travel and cultural enrichment.

Madalyn Hawthorn, president of Buckeye Travel club, says, “[We are] the only travel club at the University, and because of the membership dues, we are able to have peak life experience trips at wholesale prices rather than retail, making it much more affordable to travel. Students are also able to make new lifelong friends and will always have travel buddies because of our club.”

Buckeye Travel club is organizing a tropical trip in August before the autumn semester begins, and they are also turning their attention to humanitarian efforts. They hope to create a bottle school for children in Guatemala who are unable to receive educations due to lack of infrastructure. For more information about bottle schools, click here.

Even if you’re not looking to travel in the near future, Buckeye Travel Club is a great opportunity to meet people with similar goals, learn new things and socialize. On the other hand, if you’re dreaming of backpacking through Europe or sinking your toes into white sand beaches, check out Buckeye Travel Club for potential travel buddies and budget-friendly trips. They are accepting new members throughout the year. For more information, you can check out their Facebook page here.

What’s your dream travel location? Comment below!

Earth Day

Spring means warmer weather and blooming flowers; it also means that Earth Day is just around the corner.

The Ohio Union has always made a point to be environmentally conscientious. Built 5 years ago, the Ohio Union is LEED (Leadership in Energy and Environmental Design) certified. From the actual construction to the day-to-day operations, the Ohio Union serves as an example of eco-friendliness.

  • The Ohio Union uses 30% less water than other buildings of comparable size.
  • The straws in the building are made of PLA plastic derived from corn.
  • Construction of the building reused many materials salvaged from the old Union.

You can find more information about the steps the Ohio Union has taken to go green by clicking here.

Take a cue from the Ohio Union and do your part to help the environment! Here are some ideas to help you get started – you can start by changing little things in your everyday routine.

  • Turn off the water while you brush your teeth.
  • Turn off your computer at night.
  • Wash your clothing in cold water instead of warm or hot.
  • Print on both sides of the paper.
  • Adjust your thermostat 1 degree warmer in the summer and 1 degree cooler in the winter.

Please comment below if you have any other helpful tips.

Nurses of Character Student Org Spotlight

For those who hear the call to pursue a career in nursing, the choice cannot be made lightly. Nursing course loads are demanding, but support exists at The Ohio State University in the many student organizations which serve nursing students.

One such organization is Nurses of Character (NoC), a group which serves minority students in the College of Nursing. NoC provides minority students with opportunities for networking, a sense of belonging, academic support and social engagement. One way in which NoC differs from other nursing organizations on campus is that it primarily serves students who are part of racial, ethnic or cultural minorities.

Angelica Thompson, the president of NoC, was motivated to create a place where minority students could have a distinct voice and impact on the social climate of the College of Nursing. “The nursing workforce today is not reflective of the current patient population demographics. Minority nursing students face the feat of bridging this representation gap in our field. With this desired improvement in patient-healthcare provider representation, minority nurses are challenged with socialization into nursing as employers aim to increase diversity and inclusion in the practice.”

If you are interested in joining Nurses of Character, enrollment is currently open to pre-nursing students and students pursing bachelors or master’s degrees in nursing. Click here for more information about Nurses of Character and other nursing-oriented student organizations.

Student Employee Awareness Week

College is challenging on its own, but combined with a part- or full-time job, it can be downright daunting. That’s why we’re recognizing National Student Employee Appreciation Week. On April 15, the Ohio Union will be giving out surprise snacks at an undisclosed time, and on April 16, there will be an ice cream social involving novelty ice cream treats for student staff.  The Ohio Union is celebrating those who balance their textbooks with their timecards.

One such balancing expert is Elana Goldstein. Elana is majoring in communications and works at The Ohio State University Medical Center East as a student assistant for the Patient Experience Department. Although she recognizes the challenges of her dual life as a student and a professional, she says, “I’ve always been happier doing both. Sometimes it gets overwhelming but I’d rather be busy than not have enough to do.”

Elana points out that working while in school can have benefits besides the obvious monetary gains. “I have learned a lot about how to juggle school and work without letting one interfere with the other. I’ve also learned about how my studies in school could translate to possible careers.”

Students are motivated by a variety of reasons to work while in school. Some students work because they need the money. Others want to get experience in their relevant fields. Whatever their motivations are, student employees deserve to be commended for juggling priorities, deadlines and responsibilities.

If you are a student looking for employment right here on campus, The SOURCE is looking for new writers. Please contact Eve Esch at for information.

Oval Beach

Spring Break has concluded and it’s back to classes, but students have a few more things to look forward to before summer begins. A time honored Ohio State custom, The Oval will soon transform into Oval Beach, a lush expanse of grass nestled into the concrete and steel of Columbus.

Here are some things you can do on Oval Beach:

  • Tan
  • Bring your pet
  • Frisbee
  • Pick up a sandwich from the Union and eat it on Oval Beach
  • Take a nap in the shade
  • Study with your friends
  • String up a hammock
  • Play an instrument

If you’re looking for a more structured event, check out the Movie on the Oval hosted by the Ohio Union Activity Board (OUAB). On April 15, 2015, OUAB will be showing “The Hunger Games: Mockingjay Part 1” on a giant inflatable screen. Tickets are not required, so just show up with a blanket or a lawn chair at 7 p.m. and enjoy yourself.


The last days of every spring semester are the hardest, and the slight breeze tickling you from an open window in your calculus class can be so cruel. The silver lining is that Oval Beach will be there to brighten up your day in between classes. So break out your Frisbees and sunscreen, because it’s that time of year again!