>> Journal of Mechanisms and Robotics Honorable Mention for 2022

Yitong Zhou, Marcelo Dapino, and Leon Headings were awarded Honorable Mention for the paper, “Modeling of Soft Robotic Grippers Integrated With Fluidic Prestressed Composite Actuators,” published in ASME Journal of Mechanisms and Robotics.

The Best Paper Award is selected by the JMR Editor and Editorial Board recognizing outstanding contributions to the field of mechanisms and robotics. The paper was one of three publications selected by the Journal for recognition among 275 articles they published in 2022.

Yitong received both a Master of Applied Statistics and a Doctor of Philosophy in Mechanical Engineering in December 2020. She is currently an assistant professor in the Shien-Ming Wu School of Intelligent Engineering at South China University of Technology. Congratulations Yitong!

Announcing the 2022 Best Paper Award and Honorable Mentions