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8. | Z. DENG, M.J. Dapino, F.T. Calkins and A.B. Flatau, “Magnetostrictive devices,” in Wiley Encyclopedia of Electrical and Electronics Engineering, John Wiley & Sons, Inc., Hoboken, New Jersey. 2016. https://doi.org/10.1002/047134608x.w4549.pub2 |
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6. | M.J. Dapino, “Magnetostrictive materials” in Encyclopedia of Smart Materials, Mel Schwartz, Ed., John Wiley & Sons, Inc. New York, 2002. |
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4. | A.B. Flatau, M.J. Dapino and F.T. Calkins, “Magnetostrictive composites,” Comprehensive Composite Materials Handbook, A. Kelly and C. Zwevben, Eds., in Vol. 5, Test Methods, Nondestructive Evaluation and Smart Composites, L. Carlsson, R.L. Crane, and K. Uchino, Eds., pp. 563-574, Elsevier Science, 2000. |
3. | M.J. Dapino, “Magnetostrictive materials: Their use in smart structure applications,” Encyclopedia of Smart Materials, pp. 600-620, J. A. Harvey, Ed., John Wiley & Sons, Inc. New York, 2000. |
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1. | A.B. Flatau, M.J. Dapino, F.T. Calkins, “Magnetostrictive applications in active control,” Materials Research Society, Symposium Proceedings Vol. 604, Materials for Smart Systems III, M. Wun-Fogle, K. Uchino, Y. Ito and R. Gotthard, Eds., pp. 247–260, 1999 MRS Fall Meeting Symposium, Boston, MA, November 30–December 3, 1999. |