
Module 7 Blog Post

Module 7 deals with motivation considering it is a very important piece of the process of learning. Without motivation there would be no incentive to do work pertaining to school. The most useful piece of information in this module are the tools presented to eliminate distractions. Distractions are one of the main things that can halter my ability to work efficiently. Specifically, my phone is an incredible distraction and ways to help solve this problem are presented in the module. Including  thought processes to use to stay away from your phone and ways to stay focused without it while working. This even includes some apps, interestingly enough, that can help. Something from this that I already put into use is the idea of taking breaks. It is important to understand that while working rigorously it is good to take breaks. It isn’t most efficient to non-stop study. Uninterrupted studying can take a toll on your mind and body, therefore taking a break can help you stay refreshed and ready to study. The main parts of this lecture I should learn from include the ideas of managing stress. Mainly the idea of paying attention to the things that stress you caught my eye. This is because if you understand what stresses you out it is easier to overcome it. Overall great advice to my fellow students would be that it helps to understand yourself and your habits in order to excel academically.

Module 6 Blog Post

The 6th Module given includes two main points. These being: writing in college and searching and researching. Of the two the most important seemed to be the searching and researching portion. Specifically, the most important thing I learned from this was the idea of research questions and the intricacies within them. A sloppily made research question will produce a sloppily made paper, there is no way around this. Therefore the most important thing to do is pay attention to detail. Something I have put into practice from this section would be pre-searching. With any research paper I have written the question that must be answered is always thought about before research is applied. For future reference I will most certainly use the ideas of understanding the reliability, quality, and utility of sources. This will help me decide which sources will add to my papers or subtract from any sort of credibility within the paper. The best advice I could give to other students regarding searching and researching would be to always think through your question and make sure it is worth being answered. Also, make sure your research is worth your time and is a good investment for your paper. Overall writing in college is an intricate ordeal the most important thing to do pertaining to it is paying attention to detail.

Module 5 Blog Post

To begin, the most useful part of Module 5 is the idea of the importance of note taking. It is easy to decide not to take notes as it is a tedious task. However it is of great importance as it can greatly effect your learning and therefore your grades. To take better notes an important point is to eliminate distractions as they can absolutely break concentration and ruin a set of quality notes. Next, the idea of active listening is just as important the two go hand in hand. This is because to take quality notes one must be able and willing to actively listen to the lecturer. This involves noticing the little things a lecturer may do to improve the quality of your learning. Active listening involves understanding a lecture efficiently by using mental tools and preparation. Active listening is an essential part of being an efficient learner and note taker. Lastly, the idea of seeking out online resources is presented. Of course, as a modern day student should know online resources can greatly assist in learning, note taking or studying. This is why seeking enlightenment on the internet is important for academic success. This may involve looking for online lectures or presentations that can assist in understanding a subject. It is undeniable that there are many ways students can better themselves in the classroom by utilizing modern day utilities. Therefore students should use such tools.

Module 3 Blog post

The topics of this week’s module include advice for how to be a better student. This includes tips to combat procrastination, how to track and utilize your time efficiently, how to reduce distractions, and examples of online tools. 

    First, the idea of procrastination was dissected and explained thoroughly. This then helped me understand how to better myself and eliminate procrastination. This includes specific strategies to help overcome procrastination.

    Next, most prominently was the idea of how to better manage time. This of course is very important. Especially for myself as I am a student athlete trying to make the most of my time. Strategies for this include: creating a calendar, tracking your time, breaking down big tasks, and making the most of free time. Some time saving tools include online calendars, google tasks, google sheets, and google keep. These all can assist in becoming a better student.

    Lastly, is the idea of avoiding distractions. Working with electronics there can be many distractions present. Such as the ability to check messages or play games. Some things that may help eliminate distractions may be to turn of notifications or a ringer and separate yourself from certain electronics.

    All in all, this module can greatly affect ones everyday life if the ideas presented are utilized properly. Great academic strides can be made all from ending procrastination, managing time correctly, and staying away from distractions.


Module 2 reflection

The most useful thing I learned in this module was the communication and collaboration tools. This is because I was completely unaware before on how to collaborate with others online. Something I have used in this module however, is email. I have used email for both professors and colleagues and I have already been taught how to write professional emails. Understanding this concept has helped my in many different ways and situations. An idea I could improve on in the future is my “netiquette” as before the presented module I was uninformed on the idea. I can fine tune my online profiles to portray myself better to other online users. Another idea from the module I could use is how to deal with group members. Usually in a group project I always find one member isn’t producing the same quality of work or isn’t working at all. The tips learned from the video in the module may most certainly help. ( The only advice I could give to other students on this subject is dependent on what is pertinent to their needs. However, what I can say is that it is incredibly important to utilize all provided for students on the internet and to do so correctly. This includes blogs, emails, and communication sites. These can be forgotten by students and should be utilized to maximize success.