

Sivandran, G., and R. L. Bras (2013), Dynamic root distributions in ecohydrological modeling: A case study at Walnut Gulch Experimental Watershed, Water Resour. Res., 49, doi:10.1002/wrcr.20245.

Sivandran, G., and R. L.Bras (2012), Identifying the optimal spatially and temporally invariant root distribution for a semiarid environment, Water Resour. Res., 48, W12525, doi:10.1029/2012WR012055.

Gentine, P., P. D’Odorico, B. R. Lintner, G. Sivandran, and G. Salvucci (2012), Interdependence of climate, soil, and vegetation as constrained by the Budyko curve, Geophys. Res. Lett., 39, L19404, doi:10.1029/2012GL053492.

Bisht, G.; G. Sivandran; U. Narayan; V. Y. Ivanov; E. R. Vivoni; D. C. Goodrich and R. L. Bras, Confirmation of a distributed, physically-based ecohydrologic model in a semiarid region using high performance computing, Submitted to Water Resources Research.

Sivandran, G. 2012. The role of rooting strategies on the eco-hydrology of semi-arid regions, PhD thesis, Civil and Environmental Engineering, Massachusetts Institute of Technology, Cambridge MA. [Abstract]

J. Wang; R. L. Bras; G. Sivandran and R. G. Knox, 2010. A simple method for the estimation of thermal inertia, Geophysical Research Letters37, L05404, doi:10.1029/2009GL041851. [Abstract]

Sivandran, G. 2002. Effect of rising water tables and climate change on annual and monthly flood frequencies, B.Eng. thesis, Center for Water Research, University of Western Australia, Crawley, Australia.

Conference Proceedings and Presentations: 

Invited Presentation: G. Sivandran and R.L. Bras, 2012.  Dynamic representation of rooting strategies in ecohydrologic models. Scaling Root Processes: Global Impacts Workshop, Department of Energy, Terrestrial Ecosystem Science, Arlington VA.

Invited Presentation: G. Sivandran, 2012. The Role of Rooting Strategies on the Modeling of Arid Regions, Earth and Environmental Engineering Seminar Series, Columbia University NY.

M. Shilling,  G. Sivandran, 2013. Upscaling Phenotypic Plasticity under Complex Infiltration: From the Lab to the Landscape.  Gordon Conference Catchment Science: Interactions of Hydrology, Biology and Geochemistry, Andover NH. [Abstract]

D. Browning; J. Callaway; K. King and G. Sivandran, 2013. SWAT modeling of nutrient fluxes into surface waters under increased climate variability.  Gordon Conference Catchment Science: Interactions of Hydrology, Biology and Geochemistry, Andover NH. [Abstract]

P. Gentine, P. D’Odorico, G. Sivandran B.R. Lintner and G. Salvucci, 2012. Interdependence of climate, soil, and vegetation as constrained by the Budyko curve. AGU Fall Conference. San Francisco, CA. [Abstract]

G. Sivandran, P. Gentine and R.L. Bras, 2012. Belowground adaptation and resilience to drought conditions. AGU Fall Conference. San Francisco, CA. [Abstract]

G. Sivandran and R.L. Bras, 2011.  Modeling vegetation strategies on a hillslope. AGU Fall Conference. San Francisco, CA. [Abstract]

G. Sivandran and R.L. Bras, 2011.  Incorporating resilience and adaptability into eco-hydrological models through rooting strategy.  Gordon Conference Catchment Science: Interactions of Hydrology, Biology and Geochemistry, Lewiston ME. [Abstract]

G. Sivandran and R.L. Bras, 2010.  The role of root distribution in eco-hydrological modeling in semi-arid regions. AGU Fall Conference. San Francisco, CA. [Abstract]

C. Lepore; E. Arnone; G. Sivandran; L.V. Noto and R.L. Bras, 2010. Modelling of Rainfall Induced Landslides in Puerto Rico. AGU Fall Conference. San Francisco, CA. [Abstract]

A. Parolari; Sivandran, G.; Bras, R. L, 2009. Remote sensing of vegetation-topography relationships in a mixed C3-C4 temperate grassland. AGU Fall Conference. San Francisco, CA. [Abstract]

J.Wang; R. L. Bras; G. Sivandran and R.G. Knox , 2009. A Simple Method for Estimation of Thermal Inertia Using Remote Sensing Observations. AGU Fall Conference. San Francisco, CA. [Abstract]

G. Sivandran; G. Bisht; V.Y. Ivanov and R. L. Bras, 2008. An eleven-year validation of a physically-based distributed dynamic ecohydorological model tRIBS+VEGGIE: Walnut Gulch Experimental Watershed. AGU Fall Conference. San Francisco, CA. [Abstract]

Invited Presentation: G. Sivandran. Engineers Australia Hydrology Seminar April 2006. Water and Sanitation in Disaster Relief: Banda Aceh, Indonesia. Perth, Western Australia.

G. Sivandran; Sivapalan, M., 2003. Effects of rising water tables and predicted climate changes on annual and monthly flood frequencies. EGS – AGU – EUG Joint Assembly. Nice, France. [Abstract]