Career Plan | 02/22/2021

After some searching, I have found a position in Cleveland, Ohio that seemed to catch my interest. With the position titled as a Materials Science Engineer (my intended major), HX5 is looking to hire someone, “…In Support Of The GEARS Contract At NASA Glenn Research Center.” I feel as if this would be a great position for me, simply because it has a lot of the features that I was looking for in a company. To start, I have always had interest in research and design, which seems to be incorporated with this position.  I have also had interest in aerospace engineering before, as well as interest in weaponry advancements. This position has the best of both worlds, with, “…engineering, research and development, and technical services to clients such as NASA and the Department of Defense.” The requirements for this job are nothing short of extensive, with knowledge on how to operate advanced pieces of technology such as electron optic technology, and optical microscopy. There would also be a requirement in terms of operating equipment in the laboratory, which would also require knowing and following laboratory procedures (reports, housekeeping, etc.). Thee last two requirements are physical expectations, although I believe I would not have any trouble with them. While these are the required areas for the position, they also have other desired skills that would help with the job. These include utilizing the programming software MATLAB in order to conduct various tests as well as record them, and laboratory safety procedures. The last component is being capable of working in a team or working alone, which I am perfectly capable of. In terms of education, they are looking for anyone with a Bachelors degree or a Master’s degree. I plan on going to get my Master’s, in which that would help me to get this position. I have a fairly extensive to do list on this position. To start, going on to get my Master’s would help a lot, because it would allow me to get experience in everything I need for the position- lab work, utilizing advanced technology, etc.. I would also need to utilize internship positions and classes at Ohio State (or wherever I choose to go for my Master’s) in order to pick up essential skills for this job. Now, my plan to do all this is to properly utilize all my resources, whether that e research at the university, certain classes, or picking up valuable internship opportunities. I will use my time wisely, in order to get as much done as I can in order to better myself to fit whatever position my heart desires, whether that be this one, or any other. Just looking at jobs has gotten me exited for the job hunt, and I am ever so ready to prepare for and take on the challenge.

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