January 2021 Monthly Reflection

After a messy start to my second semester, things are finally in order and going well! I’ve started to pick up on some more interesting classes as well as some interesting topics, one including Coulomb’s Law in my Physics 1251 class. I find it quite interesting how the use of different charges can result in such large amounts of force, and gives me curiosity for how else these principles can be used in the real world. To add to that, calculus is finally being used in my calculus-based physics class (Physics 1250 was supposed to use calculus, although I don’t believe we really ever touched it. This came at quite the disappointment, because the reason my CCP credit didn’t cover physics was because it was algebra-based physics). What this month has taught me about myself was that I was very well prepared for my ENGR 1182 course, thanks to classes that I took in high school.  As of right now, we are working on different sketching strategies and will be using SolidWorks to draw 3D objects- I learned to draw all the sketches we are currently drawing my freshman year of high school in a CCP class, as well as learned to use Autodesk Inventor (A different CAD (Computer Aided Design) program), and had sharpened my skills in Inventor throughout high school, to the point where I was fairly advanced in the program. Although, this semester has definitely had its’ struggles, and the largest was scheduling issues. I ran into some trouble with a class, and when I reached out to my academic advisor, I received little to no help as well as rude replies. Thankfully, I got the situation figured out, and got the classes set up as I needed. In terms of what I have achieved, I have done very nicely in terms of my organization for my classes and keeping on track this semester, while keeping a job (for the two weeks that I was home). In all, I feel very ready and excited for this semester, so Go Bucks!

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