Next Week in SHARP (November 18 – November 24)


Wednesday, November 21, 2018 at 3pm: SHARP WIP

Meeting cancelled due to Thanksgiving holiday.

Wednesday, November 21, 2018 at 4pm: SHARP Journal Club

Meeting cancelled due to Thanksgiving holiday

Upcoming Presentations:

11/28/2018 – Clara Park, MD (SHARP WIP)

12/5/2018 – Thomas Terndrup, MD (Grand Rounds), Scott Strassels, PhD (WIP)

12/12/2018 – SHARP Meetings Cancelled (SHARP Holiday Party)

12/19/2018 – Jennifer Garvin, PhD and Anne Casto, RHIA, CCS (SHARP Journal Club)

12/26/2018 – SHARP Meetings Cancelled




SHARP Holiday Party 
Date: Wednesday, December 12, 2018
Time: 5:30pm-8:30pm
Location: Dr. Santry’s House

Will have food, drink, and a Yankee Swap. Family are invited.

 Bring a wrapped gift of <$20 (or regift something you already have!) No alcohol or gift cards.

Yankee Swap Rules: Each player picks a number from a hat from one up to the total number of participants. Each person gets a crack at picking a gift according to his or her number. The person who picks the first gift opens it to show it to the rest of the company. Then the number two participant picks a gift and chooses to either unwrap it or swap it for an unwrapped gift. If the gift is swapped, the person who had their gift taken from them gets to unwrap the new gift. The game goes on until everyone has had their chance. At the end of the game, we’ll pick a number from the hat and that person will be able to choose whichever unwrapped gift they want.

New Grant Awards

Send us news of your grant successes!  Email to Lori Bardon (

Publications and other Scholarly Successes

We pull publication data from Scopus, based on our ORCID list.  If you have other publications (i.e. book chapters), or invited lectures, patents, etc. please send to Lori Bardon ( for inclusion on this list!



The International Society for Pharmacoeconomics and Outcomes Research (ISPOR) 2019 Conference will be held May 18-22, 2019 in New Orleans, LA.  Abstract submission opens 10/1/2018 and closes 1/16/2019.

The Society for the Surgery of the Alimentary Tract (SSAT) Annual Meeting will be held May 18-21, 2019 in San Diego, CA.  The abstract submission site will open on Thursday, October 18, and close on Saturday, December 1st.

Send us the names of your favorite meetings!  Email to Lori Bardon (



Dr. Strassels’ office hours are every Wednesday from 8:00AM-11:00AM. Contact Lori Bardon ( to schedule a 30 minute block of one on one time with the SHARP Scientific Director.

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