Next Week in SHARP (October 28 – November 3)


Wednesday, October 31, 2018

All SHARP meetings cancelled.

Upcoming Presentations:

11/7/2018 – Lang Li, PhD (SHARP Grand Rounds)

11/21/2018 – SHARP meetings cancelled

12/5/2018 – Mark Partridge, PhD (SHARP Grand Rounds)



In Case You Missed It—SHARP Staff!

Did you know each Department of Surgery faculty member receives, as a part of your SHARP membership, access to both project coordination and biostatistical support?  We are staffed to provide at least ~0.1FTE of each role to each unfunded faculty member to support your journey to funding.  We are on the verge of hiring our third biostatistician, which will allow us to formally divide responsibility among them (contact in the meantime if you need biostatistical support).  The project coordinators are assigned as follows:

 Holly Baselice (

Rushing, Amy

Santry, Heena

Vazquez, Danny

Cheryl Ray (

Cloyd, Jordan

Ejaz, Aslam

Kneuertz, Peter

Haurani, Mounir

Husain, Syed

Noria, Sabrena

Park, Clara

Strassels, Scott

Savannah Renshaw (

Collins, Courtney

Poulose, Ben

 Project coordinator responsibilities include: Project management: Coordinate planning, implementation and execution of assigned health services research projects; Plan, oversee, and coordinate daily activities across all projects; Plan and execute media & outreach to local, research and national communities: Be accountable to assigned PI(s); Literature search: Conduct literature search on assigned topics and prepare concise summaries; Maintain thorough reference library on relevant literature; Scientific writing: Assist in manuscript, grant, and IRB preparation (content, copy editing, figures, formatting, etc.); Regulatory: ensure all aspects IRB submission requirements are met; assist with identifying, documenting, and reporting non-compliant activities to federal, state or industry sponsors and IRB; HSR human studies management: Develop, oversee and coordinate processes for recruitment & management of research participants from local, state and national sites; Coordinate processes for assessing eligibility, building and monitoring appropriate controls for informed consent of individual participation in research protocols; Develop, implement and evaluate protocols for compliance with regulatory and sponsor policies; Data extraction and management: Coordinate and conduct primary data collection of through patient and provider interviews, focus groups, surveys, and EMRs; Submit internal and external requests for access to secondary data from OSUWMC IT and national sponsors vendors; Assist analytic team to ensure analyses are planned, documented and executed in adherence to protocol.

If you aren’t already utilizing your SHARP staff- reach out today!!





Training Researchers to Inform Policy

9 November 2018

9:00 a.m. – 3:00 p.m.

Drinko Hall, Room 251

Moritz College of Law

55 W 12th Ave, Columbus, OH 43210

Training Researchers to Inform Policy (TRIP) is a one-day workshop that gives scholars a hands-on introduction to effective principles of policy engagement. Designed for accomplished senior professors and advanced graduate students alike, scholars leave TRIP workshops with tools to help scholars engage effectively with policymakers, civic leaders, and journalists. Registration is free (facilitation and lunch will be paid by SSN Ohio Central Chapter).



New Grant Awards

Send us news of your grant successes!  Email to Lori Bardon (


Publications and other Scholarly Successes

Frech, A., Natale, G., Tumin, D.  Couples’ employment after spousal kidney donation.  2018.  Social Work in Health Care, 57(10), pp.880-889.

Li, S.S., Tumin, D., Krone, K.A., Boyer, D., Kirkby, S.E., Mansour, H.M., Hayes, D., Jr.  Risks associated with lung transplantation in cystic fibrosis patients.  2018.  Expert Review of Respiratory Medicine, 12(11), pp.893-904.

We pull publication data from Scopus, based on our ORCID list.  If you have other publications (i.e. book chapters), or invited lectures, patents, etc. please send to Lori Bardon ( for inclusion on this list!



The International Society for Pharmacoeconomics and Outcomes Research (ISPOR) 2019 Conference will be held May 18-22, 2019 in New Orleans, LA.  Abstract submission opens 10/1/2018 and closes 1/16/2019.

The Society for the Surgery of the Alimentary Tract (SSAT) Annual Meeting will be held May 18-21, 2019 in San Diego, CA.  The abstract submission site will open on Thursday, October 18, and close on Saturday, December 1st.

Send us the names of your favorite meetings!  Email to Lori Bardon (



Dr. Santry’s office hours are every Wednesday, from 8:30AM-10:30AM.   Contact Lori Bardon ( to schedule a 30 minute block of one on one time with the SHARP Director!

Dr. Strassels’ office hours are every Wednesday from 8:00AM-11:00AM. Contact Lori Bardon ( to schedule a 30 minute block of one on one time with the SHARP Scientific Director.

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