Next Week in SHARP (September 2 – September 8)

Wednesday, September 5 at 3:00PM, SHARP WIP:

Dmitry Tumin, PhD

“Recent change in insurance coverage and pediatric surgical risk”


Wednesday, September 5 at 4:00pm, SHARP Grand Rounds

Jeffrey Caterino, MD, MPH, FACEP

“Patients with Active Cancer in the ED: A Multi-Center Study from the Comprehensive ONCologic Emergencies Research Network (CONCERN)”



Designing Your Mixed Methods Research Project: An Interactive Workshop at Stanford University

March 28 – March 30, 2019 “Designing Your Mixed Methods Research Project: An Interactive Workshop” at Stanford University. (posted 8/2018)   In this 3-day interactive workshop, the Stanford-Surgery Policy and Improvement Research & Education (S-SPIRE) Center has assembled an interdisciplinary team of mixed methods experts. We will help you design and analyze a mixed methods research project or create a proposal, using qualitative and quantitative methods. Participants will complete the workshop with a personalized design and implementation plan for their projects.

Early registration discounts, Limited seats available! 

Who Should Attend: Researchers, faculty, staff and students motivated to design a mixed methods research project using both qualitative and quantitative methods.

What to Expect:

  • Work on your mixed methods proposal, research study, or manuscript
  • Improve your project with rigorous methodology using an interactive-participatory format
  • Refine your project through group consultation with leading methodologist and group feedback

Requirements for Enrollment: Participants who will benefit the most from this workshop will be actively designing, conducting, revising, or analyzing a mixed methods project.

For more information, please visit



New Grant Awards

Send us news of your grant successes!  Email to Lori Bardon (


Publications and other Scholarly Successes

Sobotka, L.A., Husain, S.G., Krishna, S.G., Hinton, A., Pavurula, R., Conwell, D.L., Zhang, C.  A risk score model of 30-day readmission in ulcerative colitis after colectomy or proctectomy.  2018. Clinical and Translational Gastroenterology, 9(8), art. no. 175.

Ponsky, J.L., Poulose, B.K.  Percutaneous endoscopic gastrostomy.  2018.  Fischer’s Mastery of Surgery, Seventh Edition, 1, pp. 1078-1083.

We pull publication data from Scopus, based on our ORCID list.  If you have other publications (i.e. book chapters), or invited lectures, patents, etc. please send to Lori Bardon ( for inclusion on this list!



Late-Breaking abstracts now being accepted for the Gerentological Society of America meeting, held November 14-18 in Boston, MA.  To submit, see: .  Late breaker poster session deadline is 9/23/18

Poster abstracts are being accepted for the American Pain Society Scientific Meeting, held April 3-6, 2019 in Milwaukee, WI.  The submittal system will remain open until October 1, 2018.

The International Society for Pharmacoeconomics and Outcomes Research (ISPOR) 2019 Conference will be held May 18-22, 2019 in New Orleans, LA.  Abstract submission opens 10/1/2018 and closes 1/16/2019.

Send us the names of your favorite meetings!  Email to Lori Bardon (



NIH, New R01- October 5

NIH, New K- October 12

NIH, New R03- October 16



Dr. Santry’s office hours are every Wednesday, from 8:30AM-10:30AM.   Contact Lori Bardon ( to schedule a 30 minute block of one on one time with the SHARP Director!

Dr. Strassels’ office hours are every Wednesday from 8:00AM-11:00AM. Contact Lori Bardon ( to schedule a 30 minute block of one on one time with the SHARP Scientific Director.

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