Propensity Score Journal Club

On May 16, 2018 we will discuss the utility and application of propensity scores.

We will review 3 papers using propensity score to better understand surgical problems (cholecystectomy for biliary disease, “July effect” on emergency general surgery outcomes, and role of Do-Not-Resuscitate orders on mortality of elderly patients undergoing emergency general surgery).

A helpful methods paper by Austin can be found here. In addition, for those who want more in depth review on how to utilize propensity scores, we have included the International Society for Pharmacoeconomics and Outcomes Research (ISPOR) three part series on the methodology (Part I, Part II, Part III).

Those wishing to leave comments before or after the in person journal club are welcome to do so on this page.

One thought on “Propensity Score Journal Club

  1. Excited that we had such an enthusiastic discussion yesterday afternoon. I think we all learned something new about propensity scores. Looking forward to the next journal club.

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