Tardigrades / Paramecium / Philodina / Euglena / Vorticella

  1. Before beginning culture set up, boil ~20 wheat seeds in 1500 mL RO water from the tap for approximately 45 minutes – 1 hour (or until the seeds split open). Let cool before using. The amount of seed will depend on the types of containers you will use (see below).
  2. Use one of the following containers:
    • new / sterile deep dish petri dishes (100 mm x 25 mm)
    • clean polyethylene specimen containers with lids
    • clean glass jars with petri dish top inverted over mouth of jar.
  3. To clean / new containers, add approximately 2-3 mL of material pipetted from an established culture. Try to collect debris near the wheat grain.
  4. Top off these new cultures with RO water from the tap.
  5. Use sterile forceps to transfer wheat to each container. Add no more than:
    • 1/2 a seed per petri dish / small specimen cup (~25 mL of water)
    • 1 seed per 1 L jar
    • 2 seeds per 2L jar
  6. Cover each container loosely with lid.
  7. Place on counter under LED lights.
  8. Check containers after 24-48 hours. If water is cloudy, pipet / decant ~1/2 the water and replace with fresh RO water from the tap.
  9. Cultures should be good for about 2 weeks without much attention.
  10. Soak used containers in 10% bleach, rinse in hot water, and dry

I have been keeping about 5-7 petri dishes, 1 jar, and 2-3 specimen containers of each organism on hand…just in case something unexpected happens. The cultures should probably be replaced/restarted when there is substantial debris build up / cloudy water.