
Final Post by Kevin Shao

After this learning how to use online tools detail,  Online tool as first become an exponent in my life.  Since using online tools are a lot more sufficient comparing to traditional tools and method, use it properly really benefit me from learning.  Not only this class taught me how to use on line tools properly, but also taught me on what on line resources are considered creditable and are suitable to use in a academic resource writing paper. For instance, how Wiki is built up and how everybody are able to edit it. This class teaches us look for academic resources through the Library and other search engine, such as Google Scholar and OSU library search. After you find the source, be sure to cite it and portray it just as much as the source said. This will prevent plagiarized  issues.

I think I am a student that learning in a insufficient way  in my school life, and after I took this class, I think my habits will not change in just a short period, but I will be able to realize how to manage my time properly and conquer my laziness and habits of procrastinate in the future .My biggest challenges before I took the class is time management problem. The problem is yet to be completely solved , since it is the hardest task for me. By having this problem will resulted me in poor grades in the future. In this class, I learned a tons of method on keep reminding myself to be a good time management student and a efficient learner. After this semester’s learning experience. In all, after this semester, I become a more efficient learner and a better time manager. Other than that, become a more responsible student to my own grades, and be willing to challenge the subject that I feel reluctant to touch. For instance, my stats Class, I scheduled study time daily, and it has become one of the easiest subjec for me, if it was in the past, I would just let the troublesome started snowballing. The lesson and experience that I learned from this class is useable in every day’s life.

The most meaningful part in this class for me is the Google Calender part. Because I go up to check my e-ail regular, using it as my time management tool become extremely helpful when I’m studying in a long sessions(usually weekend 6-8 hours per day.) I still remember the time when I was preparing to give a break to rest for an hour, I checked my mailbox and find out the message about my Stats homework will be due on Monday was automatically sent to my mailbox. That reminded me that no matter how boring the study hours are,I should be responsible for getting homework done by the deadline. In short, Google Calender is the best on line tools that I ever use in this class, I enjoy using it.

I think I will carry Google Calender with me for my whole life, other than this, the knowledge on how to become a sufficient learner has always been helpful throughout the entire course. I will carry all those knowledge to my future. Thank you my audience for reading my post thorough the whole semester!


Kevin Shao

Writing Academy papers is not an easy task for college student, there are a lot of consideration. For instance, considering the credibility of the source you found. Is the contact information available?  What is the reputation of the author? Some students do not pay attention to citing creditable sources, and thus make their paper not persuasive as it should be. The most common example is Wikipedia, which may be a good tool to understand the object slightly but should not be used in a academic research paper. Since the Wiki is user-generated and editable, it should not be considered as a reliable academic source.

Another thing that students should know about searching is how to use the search engine efficiently. In this week, we study on how to narrow your search results by Google’s advanced search, I personally find it really useful. Besides Google, school libraries website also provide well-developed searching engines. Database in the library provide information such as e-book, articles, journal and  news etc. Student who use search engines efficiently will allow themselves to  conclude informative and creditable information for their readers.

Life After Death by Powerpoint

Understand how to use Microsoft PowerPoint really is an useful tool in Modern days. Some PowerPoint users, however,   do not understand how to use it efficiently and so resulted into unsatisfactory consequent. In this video, Don McMillian showed some mistakes that PowerPoint users tend to do. For instance:   Spell checks, too much words in a slide, and useless bullet points etc.

Using visualization tools such as PowerPoint is a good tool  for students to improve their learning efficiency.  This video reminds me on how to use power point properly and correcting mistakes that has been made for years. Specifically,  using too much bullet points within a slide. Bullet points are in purpose of drawing your audience’s attention, but using ittoo much will distract your audience from focusing on main points in the topic. Maybe I should use bullet points more precisely than before, so that will let my audience(and myself)  feel more comfortable when on receiving my PowerPoint’s’ information.

Online Reading Strategies

Since modern day rises, people uses technology more often than before. E-books become a popular learning tool in nowadays. Thus, learning how to use online resources efficiently become necessary for students. Back in the days when I was in Taiwan, instructors rarely assign homework on line, most of them still prefer to lecture students in a traditional manner. Therefore,  while on-line learning requirement for classes increase significantly. I did feel uncomfortable when I  was a freshman in the U.S.

Things got better, and right now I really enjoy taking classes on line. With more flexibility,  taking online classes always fit my schedule better than traditional one. However, study strategies between traditional reading and online is obvious. Compare to traditional study, online study’s text  are a lot more informative, and so build up a strong note-taking skills is a prominent key for being success on online study. Readers have to summarize and stay organizes after they read several paragraphs. Besides, highlight  or underline key points of the texts. By doing these process, readers will maintain records on key points that they should focus on.

Online reading is also more individualized than traditional study, which means students have to be more “self restricted” comparing to when they are doing traditional studies. Students who prefer online learning should manage their time more properly than traditional one, because if you do reading individually, your rarely have chances to interact with your peers or instructor, and so will sometimes forget to take homework, or forget due dates for assignments.

Kevin Shao’s Tips of Study Efficiently

Hello fellow student! Welcome to Kevin Shao’s blog. I can still remember 2011/12/25, the date I moved in to this country. During that night, I have no idea what I am going to face in the future. After all,  as a non-English native speaker, a lot if unpredictable  challenges were awaiting for me, and I felt like my future were filled of uncertainty. Fortunately, I went to a Community College and tried picking up my language barrier problem, and become an associate graduate student in that college. After I graduate from community college, I transfer from community college to the Ohio State University successfully. Thus, the experience that study in college does bring some useful lessons for me, and I also found out that some tips maybe useful for a  freshman!

First, manage your study time efficiently. Numerous times I heard my peers complain about how much times they dedicate into their worst subject, and do not receive a solid grade. For instance, study math for 2 hours per week but resulted in C in the Final. I used to be a poor-grade math student, but after I used this method, I found out that not only I shortened my time on studying math, my grade also improved. I tried to study math for my first study hour, and tell myself that after this hour I have to switch to another subject to study. Therefore, the pressure is built and you enforced yourself to stay focus and stop procrastination. After the third hour, put away the other subject, put math back on to your schedule. If you have similar problems on spending too much hours but did not receive a good grade, please be welcome to try this method!

Second, always be active throughout the lecture. Listening to your instructor carefully is always useful, no matter how you think your instructor.  (for instance, some student may feel reluctant listening to some instructor that have special accent while portraying lessons.) By being active in class, you will found out that review become an easy task. Things that mentioned in the lecture will bring to your mind, and therefore makes it easier to memorize.

Study efficiently is a key towards success in college life, take advantage of it and become an effective learner!

Best of luck,

Kevin Shao