

About Me

Abbey Shaffer 


the world

gives you

so much pain

and here you are

making gold out of it

there is nothing purer than that – rupi kaur



What is Design?

The technical term of design is to create, fashion, execute, or construct according to plan, but to me, design is the art of creation. Not only that, it would be your creation, something you have built in your mind turned real. You don’t need a strict plan to follow, mistakes are progress and failure isn’t possible. Anyone can design as long as you have the right mindset. Designing is personal; if it wasn’t personal, it wouldn’t be your design. That is the beauty of design.


My Past

Ive always loved art, ever since I was little. My family was always very supportive, making my blobs of paint feel like masterpieces. They were my motivation to continue doing art, even when I hated my creations. Drawing and painting have always been my go-to’s but I was pushed to expand my horizon. I tried sculpting and learned that clay doesn’t agree with me, but that my hands were made for holding pencils and paintbrushes. Photography had too many numbers involved, and I specifically chose art for the lack of math. So, I always made my way back to my basics. The thing I love about art is that there are no limitations, anything you can think of can be put onto paper or canvas.


As you have heard so far, you can assume I am very indecisive, so when I was in high school, I had no plans for my future or my career. I knew I enjoying making art so, I did a summer preview at CCAD to see if I would enjoy art school. The program showed me what my future would be like in art but it also taught me a lot about myself in an artistic environment. I saw how accepting everyone was and realized I could be myself in this community. I learned who I am as an artist and my own ideas of design. I was stuck between Architecture, Graphic Design, and Interior Design, so I blinded picked one and here I am. Now, I express myself through my art and that experience from CCAD is what led me to studying Interior Design at the Ohio State University.



My goal for this semester is to learn more about my design process and explore myself deeper as an artist. I want to learn and understand what design is and how to improve myself and my work. I would also like to learn more about my major and exactly what is entailed. I always though Interior Design was choosing couches and pillow colors, but now I’ve learned that is is much larger than that and I’m excited to continue my path. I’m so glad I have the opportunity for another great experience and I know this course will provide.


