Year in Review

Looking back on my first year in college, I am very proud of what I have accomplished so far and I am excited for the opportunities that I will come across in the future.  This past year, I earned executive positions in two great organizations.  I am the CFAES Student Council Representative for the Animal Welfare and Behavior Club, and I am the secretary for the OSU chapter of Silver Wings.  Through these organizations, I started to gain more leadership and teamwork skills.  Because of these organizations, and the difficult classes that I took this past year, I have learned the importance of time management and staying ahead on school work.  During this year, I also decided to switch from the pre-medical school track to the pre-veterinary school track.  This decision was difficult at first, but the more I get involved with animals, the more sure I am that I should pursue veterinary medicine.

Overall, I have had a great freshman year.  I have made many new friends through my classes, organizations, and residence hall.  I have been successful academically, and I have grown immensely.  I hope that I can continue to grow, to find new opportunities, and to continue to branch out from my comfort zone in the next coming years.