Bring your Parents to Work Day!


From left to right: Me, my Father (bottom), my Uncle (top), and my Cousin

This past weekend my parents came down to Lawernceburg and I gave them a tour of the plant! My Aunt and Uncle, who I am currently staying with this summer, and their son also tagged along! It was fun being able to show them around and talk them through the whiskey/spirit making process. Initially when I started giving them the tour I realized I had to dial down a lot of what I found interesting (chemistry of generating alcohol… big surprise there). It hit me that they were like how I was just a couple weeks ago.

Anyway it was a blast! I also got to take them to the wine room and showcase my efforts to them. I mentioned how my project fits into the bigger scope of plant operating and helps the plant move toward meeting OSHA regulations. It was a good warm up for the end of the year presentation I will be giving to the upper management along with my fellow intern!

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