
Throughout my time at Ohio State this year I have been continuously challenging myself to develop professionally and personally. Currently I am part of the International Affairs Scholars program. Every month they host many events regarding various topics around the world–from the refugee crisis in Syria to analyzing China’s rapid transition to an industrialized nation and its effects on the populace. I try to attend as many of these meetings as I can each month, as they challenge me to recognize my role as a member of society in an ever globalizing world and connect with others who share similar interests.

At the same time, I constantly look for ways to grow outside of the classroom. During my Sophomore year, I opted to do the Second Year Transformational Experience Program (STEP). Throughout the year we held many meetings with a certified faculty member regarding, setting personal goals, discovering strengths, andĀ talking about personal wellness. At the end of the year we get to write a proposal for a grant to explore personal interests. For me.. I opted to purchase a piano! Music is fundamental in our critical lives, we listen to it and express ourselves through it every day. Playing piano has always been something that I have wanted to do. Over the summer I will challenge myself to begin to learn this instrument, in hopes to gain a better understanding of music, and attain another medium of self expression.

This summer I will also gain experiences that will further my professional career. While interning at Midwest Grain Products of Indiana, another intern and I will work closely with plant operators to transfer their knowledge onto a documented procedure list. Also, we will work to document the schematics of the wine room–labeling pipes and equipment, and updating AutoCAD drawings. This experience will give me my first taste of chemical engineering outside of the classroom, and can help me determine where I see myself headed with the degree.

While this summer looks busy… I assure you the current semester has been much the same. As an undergraduate teaching assistant I am constantly developing my leadership skills inside the classroom. I engage students in discussions about the topics they learn in class, and help give them advice for further down in their engineering major. It is not always fun and games though, sometimes being a leader puts you in positions that you’d rather not be in–confronting problematic teamwork, or working out late assignments. For me leadership is a muscle–I have to constantly work on it to see results. As anĀ introvert, a lot of times my first reaction is not to get involved, but I have learned by sucking it up and jumping into many discussions that I can learn more about my students and become a more effective leader in the classroom.

Lastly, in the upcoming years I look to give back to Ohio State. As a future Engineering Ambassador I will be able to share my experiences both with prospective students and alumni. I see it as a way to give back to the university that was able to provide my with various opportunities–from research to being a teaching assistant and much more. Ultimately being a buckeye means so many things to different people. If I can help capture the Ohio State experience and project it to future students, being an ambassador will be all the worth while.

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