Community Service Spring 2019

During the spring semester of 2019, my community service hours were spent participating in BuckeyeThon. On February 9th, after completing my fundraising, I spent twelve hours at the Union with fellow scholars participating in various games and activities. Seeing the joy in the children and families being affected by cancer was so inspiring and eye opening. I can’t wait to go back next year and raise more money!

Community Service

During my first semester, I accomplished ten hours of community service, both on campus and off campus.

On August 25, I spent approximately four hours volunteering with fellow Buckeyes at a Goodwill in Columbus. We helped employees take clothing from the racks and organize them. We also spent a large amount of time sorting books into categories and placing them on the corresponding shelf.

On October 5, I spent two hours helping with the OSU homecoming parade. After we were placed with our float, we walked through the streets of campus, making sure the floats were displaced enough and everyone was moving at the same pace.

On November 20, I spent five hours assisting my church’s office and preparing the next week’s bulletins. I assembled the thousands of bulletins and stuffed them with informational paper announcements. I also counted them and put them packaged them so that they could be delivered to the various parishes.


Consciousness of Self

I will use the results from the “True Colors Indicator” to better participate in leadership and other group positions. This test helped me to understand my personality type and indicated that I have an equal amount of values from two of the four personality categories. Ironically, the two categories are generally different. I scored highly in both the orange and gold, meaning I value spontaneous adventure while also needing order and organization. I believe these results truely depict my personality and I now know how to use these in a group setting. I know that the orange qualities of being open-minded will help me push others and the group out of their comfort zones. This is necessary because pushing the limits will allow the group to become more innovative and taking risks may lead to success. On the other hand, my qualities from the gold category will help to bring others in the group who are more dominantly orange down to earth and realistic. Being procedural and dependable is needed in a group setting, especially in a professional environment; in fact, adventure is only possible if there is a plan. I believe it is also necessary to understand the perspective of others who do not share identical values. I believe that because I have values from multiple personality categories, it may be easier for me to comprehend this while still using my strengths to better the group.

I have witnessed leadership in sport and wellness while playing high school sports. Unfortunately, one of my teammates on my basketball team tore her ACL. Due to the extensive recovery, she was not able to play until her junior season. This is when she tore it again and was informed that she was no longer allowed to play her favorite sport; however, she showed more leadership on the court after her injury. She continued to help with practices and keeping statistics during games. This proved a high amount of sacrifice and loyalty to the team. A leader must be a person that is consistent, not only in presence, but in support. Sarah never let the team down regardless of her physical capability. She also taught the team, especially me, how to be strong while so weak mentally. After going through the same unfortunate experience of tearing my ACL, I learned from Sarah how to cope with the injury. I couldn’t sit at home and feel sorry for myself. Instead, I looked to Sarah as a role model and continued to support the team through the hardships. A leader should always be someone you can look to for inspiration to stay strong.


[Artifacts are the items you consider to be representative of your academic interests and achievements. For each entry, include both an artifact and a detailed annotation.  An annotation includes both a description of the artifact and a reflection on why it is important to you, what you learned, and what it means for your next steps.  For more guidance on using your ePortfolio, including questions and prompts that will help you get started, please visit the Honors & Scholars ePortfolio course in Carmen. To get answers to specific questions, please email Delete these instructions and add your own post.]