New chapter in linguistic landscape volume

The new edited volume on language teaching in the linguistic landscape is finally out! Here’s my chapter:

Sayer, P. (2020). Ethnographic language learning projects through the linguistic landscape. In D. Malinowski, H. Maxim, & S. Dubrell (Eds.), Language teaching in the linguistic landscape: Mobilizing pedagogy in the public space. Switzerland: Springer.

Article on the impact of COVID remote learning on ELs

Our article “The disparate impact of COVID-19 remote learning on English learners in the U.S.”, co-authored with PhD student Derek Braun, has just been published in the TESOL Journal. In this article, we describe three reasons why ELs have been disproportionately affected by the move to classroom to online learning. Full pdf available at:

New book: Envisioning TESOL through a Translanguaging Lens

Our new book, Envisioning TESOL through a Translanguaging Lens: Global Perspectives (Springer) has just come out. Thanks to my co-editors Zhongfeng Tian, Laila Aghai and Jaime Schissel as well as all of the contributing authors. For the publication of the book, we did a webinar for the TESOL Bilingual-Multilingual Education Interest Section. I had never done webinar before, and was thrilled that we had 300 attendees (which apparently is the cap for Zoom, so it could have been more!). Great job Zhongfeng promoting the webinar.

Linguistic Landscape project funded by GSIRI

Bethany Martens, Xinyue Lu, and Mario Martinez Garcia collecting linguistic landscape data

Our project “An Interdisciplinary Approach to Mapping Linguistic Landscapes in Education” was funded by the EHE GSIRI award to support interdisciplinary research. The research team is T&L Doctoral Students Bethany Martens, Xinyue Lu, Mario Martinez Garcia, faculty PI Peter Sayer, and several graduate students and teachers with whom we will be collaborating. The project aims to map the multilingualism of Columbus using the ArcGIS system, with help from the Geography Department to match the linguistic data to the demographic data on immigrant groups, socioeconomic status, and language diversity across the city. Using the results, we will be partnering with the COSI OSU Language Lab to develop an interactive display for the science museum.

Research project in dual language education through Buckeye Childhood Bilingualism Research Lab

During the 2017-18 and 2018-2019 my collaborators and I have been working with bilingual teachers at a local public school with a two-way dual language program. This work has become the Proyecto Senderos, which is examining the implementation of a dual language program in a diverse urban school district.

More information about the Buckeye Childhood Bilingualism Research Lab:

Special thanks to our teacher partners: Carol Ann Mira (pictured teaching an ESL class below), Katy Myers (principal), Delia Angles, Sabenia Bain, Joy Berlin, Rocio García, Annalese Lynch, Silvia Morales, Brenda Nieves.

Doctoral students: Melissa Adams-Corral, Mario Martínez, Grace Kim, Lindsey Rowe, Susan Ataei, Jessica Somerville.

Fulbright FLTA Orientation hosted at OSU

We were pleased to be selected as a new host site for the Fulbright program’s Foreign Language Teaching Assistant orientation. During July 30-August 2, we hosted 50 world language teachers from 30 countries, representing almost 20 languages.

Dual Language Summer Institute for Teachers

During June 9-13, Melissa Adams-Corral and I collaborated this summer with teachers from the Columbus Spanish Immersion Academy on the second summer institute for dual language educators. Many thanks to doctoral student Susan Ataei. (Melissa shown here leading an activity with Carol Ann Mira, Markia Miller, Joy Berlin and the rest of the group.)